Archive for March, 2013

March 12, 2013

Sign of the times

Interesting thing, to me. This post mentions someone from the Brady Campaign. And I’ve never heard of them.

Am I out of touch? Or is the Brady Bunch circling the drain?

March 11, 2013

They don’t hate guns. They just don’t want you to have one. Part 2

Mayor Against Guns Lobbyist really likes shooting those AR-15s he wants to ban.

Obama to gun control groups: shut your mouths

The gun control groups had to stay quiet for the president to get his gun control push on. Well, when they open their mouths, a lot of stupid comes out.

Like you and me, only better

To get an unrestricted gun permit in Boston, just be a lawyer.

Knife rights

A bill to get rid of some of Tennessee’s archaic knife laws advances. Switchblades and fixed blades over four inches would become legal to carry for defense.

NY court overturns high-capacity ban

On big sodas because the ban is arbitrary and capricious.

In gun control hysteria

DiFi: It’s legal to hunt humans with high capacity magazines. Well, we should ban them then!

The stupidity of the press, thinking this guy is an actual gun rights guy. That, or they think their readers are stupid.

DiFi again: Veterans have PTSD and shouldn’t have guns.

NASCAR should drop NRA sponsorship. Because, I guess, people who like race cars don’t like guns. Or something.

I concur

We should just stick with Daylight Savings Time. Of course, it’s probably easier for us eastern time people.

Also, DST is a very confusing concept for an eight year old:

So, everyone just changed their clocks at the same time? And it’s really six o’clock now?

No, it’s really 7.

But yesterday, this would be 6.

What is this

I don’t even

They don’t hate guns. They just don’t want you to have one

Gun control proponent Mark Kelly buys an AR-15 and regular capacity magazines.

There’s an app for that

The Gun Free Zone App

Speaking of racists


“common use at the time”

A look at the AR-15:

Anyone who thinks Hardy is an extremist, far from the mainstream, should wake up. The AR-15, which isn’t a brand but rather a generic design, accounts for an estimated 60 percent of all civilian rifle sales in the United States and perhaps a quarter of all firearms sold, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, an industry group based in Newtown.

Well, good.

Win gun stuff

Not here. Here.

UnSAFE at any speed

Using budget resolutions to target the act. Also, veteran’s affairs won’t follow the law’s reporting requirements.

Spinning Cuomo’s drop in approval

OMG the NRA hires a black guy

And the black community responds. Because the NRA was once racist and now isn’t and that’s still racist. Or something.

Personally, I like Noir’s message

Clearly, she had a reading problem

Federal judge nominee withdraws over flap from her saying the constitution doesn’t say what it says. Probably a good thing.

Happy Birthday

To LuckyGunner, who turns four and has an awesome birthday cake.

Taxing a right

A requirement that gun owners buy liability insurance.

What could possibly go wrong?

Gun fires when ever a hashtag is tweeted.

In Colorado

Democrats threaten sheriff’s pay in fight over gun control. Support the gun control, or they’ll cut your pay.

A petition to not vote for Governor if he signs gun laws

Gun Porn

Shadow Tech

Colt M4 Magpul

Helical AK mag

The sequester at my blog fu

It’s true. Those cuts affected my give a damn.

March 09, 2013

There are no stupid questions

Just stupid people.

FAQ number four.

March 08, 2013

Rand Paul and his big balls

It took balls to filibuster the old-fashioned way. The man stood and spoke for 13 hours to get an answer to a simple question. Even liberal pundits were applauding him for his efforts and his point. Here, we have a guy who woke up republicans and also rekindled some libertarian love, while challenging the teleprompter in chief about whether or not he could X-box a citizen to death.

Because of that, rest assured, the Democrat and media (but I repeat myself) plan to destroy him is well under way. They’ll do this by tying him to his dad and some of Ron’s more coo coo statements. Or digging deep for that one time, at band camp, when Rand said something that, out of context, seems stupid.

But, this ain’t a post about that, it’s a post about this: it took balls to do that. If the average person speaks for 13 hours, they’re going to say something stupid. They can’t help it. Granted, my saying dumb shit to smart shit ratio is higher than most, after all, I say more dumb shit before noon than most people say all day (it’s true, look under the right side ads. Been there for years). If I spoke for 13 hours, I estimate 5 hours of it would be dumb shit. And it’d be hard to speak 13 hours anyway, much less staying on topic and not saying dumb shit.

But he did.

And that takes balls. And will. And a plan. The latter, I think, has people worried.

March 07, 2013

First, AR magazines. Now, AK magazines

DefDist gets their 3D printed AK magazine one.

Bleg: Plastic Fantastic

I’ve always used leather IWB holsters. I have a couple of kydex OWB holsters that I never use, except for range trips when I shoot a gun that I don’t carry other than to the range. Leather is pliable, breathable, comfortable and, on the off chance I have to leave it in the car then reholster, it’s not cold as a feminist’s vajayjay when I strap it back on. This was great, back when I was an office jockey, CFOing for a living. Now, I actually work in the field. This creates complications with a leather holster, those being:

  • I move a lot and do manual labor sometimes. This causes the holster to give a little in shape.
  • It gets hot and I sweat, this is not good for leather.
  • I get all manner of dirt, mud, crud and lint into it, which makes it unsightly.
  • This is wearing the leather out, basically. And I noticed a slight indention around the trigger area the other day. I don’t want this to happen to me.

    So, I’ve decided to get a Kydex holster. What’s a good IWB holster in plastic fantastic that doesn’t make me feel like I have a robot in my pants?

    I have some CompTac’s that should do the trick but I want to see about an all plastic model. And, on the CompTac, I don’t like the hooks since they tend to come off when getting your ninja on.

    March 06, 2013

    Rand Paul filibuster

    The ten best lines. Well, I don’t know about those. Other were better, I thought.

    Women don’t need a gun

    Because we’ll just teach men not to rape. And murderers not to murder. And on and on, I guess.


    Senate Judiciary Committee Votes On Gun Control

    Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

    Uncle Pays the Bills

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