Archive for March, 2013

March 06, 2013

Burglar steals gun, gun kills burglar

Those AR-15s are dangerous, especially if you’re stupid:

Det. Williams with the Polk County Sheriff’s Department tells KOIN 6 News that they believe a piece of the shotgun was caught in the trigger area of the AR-15. While crossing the field the truck hit a bump causing the weapon to fire once striking and killing Mendoza.

Chicks and guns

The gun issue may drive a lot of women to vote for gun control, says some liberal women’s group. I dunno. Women are probably paying attention to the various attacks on women as a result of the gun debate.

Like Kennesaw

A North Georgia town may require gun ownership.

In Bloomberg land

Condoms are evidence of a crime.

Regulating headphone volume

Free for .mil

Get a KTD Project Thumbdrive for free if you’re in the military.


Army’s XM25 has one: the primer of a 25mm high-explosive air burst round ignited

Is gun, is not safe

Like the AR15 was initially designed to fire bubbles and butterflies:

President Peace Prize

The ACLU says the police is militarized and more so under Obama.

Quote of the day


Arming teachers and school guards

NY resource officer has negligent discharge. He was on patrol and, apparently, finger banging it for no reason. Stop touching it.

Texas school worker shoots self during training course. Looks like a finger on the trigger while holstering.

Gun Porn

Saiga MK-107: The Civilian AK-107

March 05, 2013


The other day, Junior lost her phone. I was in her room helping her look for it. I opened up a small box she had squirreled away and in the box was a wad of cash. I counted it and it was a few hundred dollars. I asked her where she got the money and she told me she’d just saved her birthday, Christmas and other holiday money she gets from the grandparents. I told her that keeping it in a small box in her room probably wasn’t the best idea and we should get an envelope, write her name on it and put it in my safe. She says “you have a safe?” I say “yes. It’s in a safe place.” She laughed. And I put it in the safe.

So, I got curious and went into my son’s room and I said “Son, do you have a bunch of money in your room too?” He tells me that, oh yes, he has a ton of money in his room. I asked where it was and he went into his drawer and pulled out a jar of money. About three $1 bills and a few miscellaneous coins. And that was it. A bunch of money, by volume or weight.

I’m guessing Junior is better at convincing mom to buy her stuff and my son will just spend his own.

Soon to be banned in NY

It’s from 2010 but a kid took a deer with an air rifle.

But noted gun expert Joe Biden says girls are too stupid to use AR-15s

Very cool photo. Also, some love for the AR-15 in the press?

OMG they have the democratic process

Well, yeah. If the politicians vote against the people, they should be held to account.


Made from shell casings. Via John.

OMG an inert piece of plastic

Or, you know, rocket launcher if you are a journalist.


Gene Hoffman: We predict California will be shall issue in 2014

In short, they googled it up

The press calls it a semi-automatic machine pistol. This happens enough, I’m guessing they just google up a firearm and find the first press account.

But that’s hard and gun control is easy

Gun control what you do instead of something:

Congress should follow Virginia’s lead. The federal government needs to investigate each of the mass shootings that have happened in Newtown, Conn., Tucson, Ariz., Aurora, Colo. and at Virginia Tech. What’s needed is a thoughtful analysis that goes beyond the obvious — that each gunman had a mental disorder and that each used weapons capable of multiple shots. If we can’t answer basic questions about each of these shootings, we can’t draft laws that will fix the problems.

That dastardly gun lobby

Giving discounts on hotels and stuff. This must be stopped. I guess they’re assault discounts.


Gun deaths and violent crime down. And gun sales are up.

Sausage making

Republicans to cave on gun deal, to look tough on crime. Will also agree to laws making things already illegal even more illegaler.

Boehner says house will consider measures that pass the senate.

War on women

Democrat says raped woman doesn’t need a handgun because made up statistics say it’s unlikely.

Why the fuck would she address that senator with “respectfully”?

In school news

School goes into lockdown over man in camouflage. Turns out, he works at a military base.

7 year old chews poptart into a gun shape, gets suspended.

But they don’t want to take your guns away!

They keep saying that

A bill to confiscate firearms in Illinois.

You can only buy ammo if you take an anger management course.



TSA to allow knives on plans

As long as they meet arbitrary restrictions, which ensures they’re not assault knives. I go from no knives to having to get out a ruler and measuring them to make sure.

Cherry picking

Supposed experts

Eric Holder: Yeah, we can kill our citizens with drones

Even at home

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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