Archive for March, 2013

March 05, 2013

What’s up with Nevada?

I swear, their reciprocity list changes faster than Mitt Romney’s core values.


So, the gall bladder guy says that’s not it. It’s staying. Back to the drawing board. And by drawing board, I mean scoped again.

Gun Porn

Some pretty pics from a firearms auction.

World’s biggest revolver

Everybody makes an AR!

March 04, 2013

Organ Recital

The gall of that bladder!

This is my liver, even though it looks like I’m playing Asteroids:


My GI issues returned in January, after having subsided. Having scoped me twice (once on each end), they moved onto alternate tests. The doc said it could be my gall bladder but I’d had an ultrasound so they kicked it up a notch. To get a good look at my liver, they had to pump me full of some radioactive stuff. Seems the Hepatobiliary system is a bit camera shy and has to be coaxed into making an appearance, the tech told me. So, they fill you full of nukes so that the system can be seen. The tech tells me the above pic is of my liver full of nukes and also probably Bourbon, I told him. After filling you full of nukular stuff (and, sadly, no Bourbon), they put you under this big machine called the liver looker at-er (well, that’s what I called it because that’s what it did. Of course, I also called the technician Neal) and it takes pictures of your liver for about an hour. They verify that the nuclear stuff passes from your liver to your gall bladder. Then, the fun begins.

After your liver does it’s business, they give you a shot over the course of several minutes. This shot makes your gall bladder empty into, I suppose, space. I didn’t really ask where it went after that. As far as I know, it immediately becomes poo. But I know that’s not right because I paid some attention in anatomy. This shot gives you one of the worst stomach aches ever. But as soon as the shot is done, the stomach pain and cramps go away immediately. At this point, they take pictures of your gall bladder to determine that it’s draining properly. This process looks like this:


Well, mine isn’t draining properly and this is causing all sorts of unpleasant time in the bathroom. My doc says it’s “chronically inflamed and not draining properly”. And it will have to come out. I have an appointment in the morning with the specialist who will tell me if it needs to come out or if there is something else they can do.

They’ll also biopsy it to see if it’s something major, which I’m told is routine but is still unnerving.

And that’s why no gun blog for you. I’m going to pace and mumble to myself for the night.

Also, the technician, whose name is not Neal but I don’t remember his name, was one of the nicest and most professional people in the medical field I’ve ever had to deal with. I wish I knew his name, I’d call Parkwest and let them know he was awesome.

March 03, 2013

Enforce the gun laws on the books

And then pardon them, if they’re connected:

Larry Wayne Thornton of Forsyth, Ga., was sentenced to four years of probation for “possession of an unregistered firearm” and “possession of a firearm without a serial number.” He is one of 17 people pardoned today.

Unregistered? It’s Georgia, registration is prohibited by state law. So, was this an NFA item?

Cucumber Gin and Tonic

I love cucumbers and make cucumber water, cucumber Popsicles, pickles, grilled cucumbers and on and on. Based on a friend’s suggestion, I made a cucumber gin and tonic. Easy to do. Just cut up half a cucumber and place it in a pitcher. Cover with gin and let soak in the fridge for a few hours. Then, pour the gin into a glass and add some tonic. Garnish with a cucumber.




School stupidity

Wrap your head around this bout of Teh St00pid:

A 16-year-old Cypress Lake High School student, who wrestled a loaded revolver away from a teen threatening to shoot, is being punished.

The student grappled the gun away from the 15-year-old suspect on the bus ride home Tuesday after witnesses say he aimed the weapon point blank at another student and threatened to shoot him.

The student, who Fox 4 has agreed not to identify because he fears for his safety, says there’s “no doubt” he saved a life by disarming the gunman. And for that he was suspended for three days.

If true, he should be given a medal. Not a suspension.

Also: Receptionist Mistakes Fresh Prince Theme Song for Threat; School Goes Into Lockdown

The gun industry noticed

Since you can print out functional lower receivers and magazines, the NSSF puts out facts about 3D printing.

Guns in parks

Knoxville’s ordinance doesn’t allow exemptions for reenactments. In other news, there’s a pirate re-enactment festival?

Back Order

Glock at 1.2M in back orders. The Knoxville Police Department might have some for sale.

The densely populated area exception to the second amendment

Rudy Giuliani was on this kick before. Now, Dr. Ben Carson doles out that trope.

Guns sell

Allegations an Obama donor is buying up gun magazines to shut them down. I kinda doubt it.

Obviously compensating for the size of his penis

And keeping it classy


But they’re not coming after your hunting shotgun. Proposed gun ban in Colorado would ban popular shotguns.

NYT discovers that trusts and corporations are better than people

The corporations are people but better loophole

They’re looking at how trusts and such can be used to bypass law enforcement sign off for NFA weapons.

A few years ago, CNN was on this kick.

Noted gun expert Joe Biden

This meme never gets old. To me.

Mentioned before but man arrested for following Biden’s advice of negligently discharging a firearm. His defense team should subpoena noted gun expert Joe Biden.

Every single bit of gun advice Biden gives will get you arrested

Anyway, a proposal for Biden’s law:

A Polk County legislator who once fired a warning shot to scare away burglars has introduced a bill in the Florida House that would expand the state’s “stand your ground” law.

It would grant immunity to people who fire a warning shot and to those who pull a weapon, hoping the sight of it would frighten away an attacker. Both are currently illegal.

Heh. I guess they know people might follow that fool’s advice.

Also, Biden says you can’t buy tanks. But, you can.


I’ve said the NRA needs a new face. Well, looks like NRA news is getting Colion Noir on board:

Money where your mouth is

Yeah, this is why I’m kind Meh about the NY boycott. For instance, when I sell something, I don’t ask my customer their political beliefs. Even hippie money is money.

Gun Rights v. Property Rights

A look at Tennessee’s soon to be guns in parking lots bill.

More on the KPD’s Glocks

Claims that the triggers were freezing and the pins were failing. I’ve never encountered either issue with Glocks. These claims surprise Glock. And Glock provides guns to 72% of PDs? Did not know the number.

So which ATF form for that?

A marijuana cannon for shooting weed across the border

Speaking of NY

Pol calls gun bill a mistake. Yes, it was. And another hold on the law saying it was passed unconstitutionally.

Price break

Alabama rep wants to repeal the sales tax on ammo. Well, it is expensive lately.

Predator drones and domestic surveillance

Homeland Security’s specifications say drones must be able to detect whether a civilian is armed.

Good luck with that

Manufacturers not exactly gearing up to make 7 round magazines. Could be a market for it soon but I wouldn’t bet on it since I expect NY’s law to fail a court challenge. I wouldn’t invest in it.

Has the gun control moment passed?

Seems so. I think the plan was for gun control to take focus away from the fiscal cliff/sequester/armageddon/ZOMGWE’REALLGONNADIE stuff but it kind of went the other way on them.

Gun Porn

Lighting up an AR

March 02, 2013

Self-righteous, political song lyrics that are stupid

Why don’t presidents fight the war?

Because if they did, Vladimir Putin would be king of the world.

Why do they always send the poor?

They don’t. The volunteer army goes and does what it is paid to do.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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