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You won’t find anyone willing to dare say it

Well, of course not. No one wants to be thought of as an idiot.

10 Responses to “You won’t find anyone willing to dare say it

  1. bob smith Says:

    If this information gets out, guns will start selling better than Viagra. Oh wait, Obama already made them sell better than Viagra.

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    On one hand, it was posted on April 1st. However, based on the rest of the site, I get the feeling it’s not intended as a satirical piece.

  3. me Says:

    Actually I love seeing articles with that tone. Bottom of the barrel, sophomoric writing such as that, really shows how little, they have, in the way of any sort of legitimate argument.

    Resorting to, really nothing more than immature name calling.

  4. HL Says:

    I didn’t get past the “small dick argument”.

    It isn’t that gun owners have small dicks, its that pussies like him don’t have the balls to take their families’ security into their own hands.

  5. TicTac Says:

    To paraphrase L. Neil Smith on anti-gunners phallic accusations:
    “What is it that they think a penis does?”

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    However, the problem is that Stupid Fucking Idiots like that Asshole seem to be gaining more Power and Influence in the Republic.

  7. IllTemperedCur Says:

    It’s like these people think about my penis more than I think about my penis.

    From my cold, dead hands. And they can’t have my guns either.

  8. Thirdpower Says:

    ANd remember, this is the guy who used to run the Joyce Foundation funded ‘Gun Guys’ website before the money dried up.

  9. Ted N Says:

    Even mediocre comics get past dick jokes pretty quick. This is the best they have?

  10. AndyN Says:

    What planet does this guy live on where nobody dares make gun as phallic symbol arguments? Just because nobody outside his leftist inner circle takes this idiocy seriously, doesn’t mean the idiocy doesn’t exist.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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