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The death of gun control

The Senate bill does not look to pass. It has been said that this is their last fight not ours. Lets hope thats the case.

11 Responses to “The death of gun control”

  1. JPO Says:

    Sebastian is Liveblogging the Senate debate/statements/vote.

  2. Crotalus Says:

    I hope it does die. I let my senators, my enemies, how I feel. I also let Reid know as well that this was full of “lend a gun, go to jail” traps, and that registration is in there, or will be added.

    States like New York, New Jersey, Colorado(WTF) and my own, the PDRK, are the major problem now.

  3. Jim W Says:

    Cornyn is apparently getting ready to introduce 50 state reciprocity.

  4. Matt R. Says:

    Perhaps we should strike while the iron is hot. National Reciprocity, a lowering of the price of tax stamps, and other firearm legislation would go a long way to restoring previously held freedoms.

    –Matt R.

  5. Ron W Says:

    We don’t want national reciprocity with any federal control.

  6. Matthew Carberry Says:

    Simply mandating reciprocity per the terms of a given state’s laws when you are in that state is not “Federal control” per se. I can live with a “full faith and credit” law on those terms.

    The folks who can’t get permits in their home states would be out of luck, especially if the bill referred to permits issued by state of residence, but that would be the next fight, not worth scuttling an incremental win over.

  7. TigerStripe Says:

    I’m afraid this is not the end of gun control, though I wish it were. It will be the end of the attempt(s) for now.

    Let states decide reciprocity amongst themselves. I don’t want a federal gun law to pass so I can carry other places.


  8. SD3 Says:

    Progressives won’t quit until they control you bank account & have a G-ddamn leash around your neck.

  9. Sigivald Says:

    Reynolds is reporting The Hill reporting it failing by a comfortable margin.

  10. Sigivald Says:

    (As in “They actually voted on it and it failed”, not “predicted”.)

  11. Kdawg Says:

    The fight will wage on as long as there are D’s in Washington, hypocrites in Hollywood, and billionaire nanny mayors with people control agendas to push.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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