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Bad timing

I’m sure after Boston, the immigration debate is dead. So, does this really look like a good idea?


I’m all for legal immigrants getting guns but, I think now, that idea is politically unlikely.

13 Responses to “Bad timing”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    But John Kerry just told us a couple of days ago that Japanese are afraid to come to the U.S. because of “Gun Violence.”

    So does this mean that the new Immigration Policy says “Welcome to America! Here’s your Green Card. You’re taking a Job in Texas? Well, here’s a discount Coupon from Remington to buy a 12 Gauge. Enjoy your Stay! Sorry we can’t help you if you move to Kalifornia, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Colorado, New Jersey, Maryland, etc. State’s Rights, you know.”

  2. Matthew Carberry Says:

    This is the Constitutional thing to do, the 2nd doesn’t say “citizens, -and- if we spin it right as a community it is a slap in the face to the anti-gunners who claim we are racist xenophobes.

    By supporting this action we are being intellectually consistent in our beliefs, that the Right can not be restricted without particular, individual cause.

  3. Pyrotek85 Says:

    @Matthew Carberry

    Agreed. It might be codified in this country as the 2nd Amendment, but we believe self defense is a human right.

  4. workinwifdakids Says:

    That’s strategically stupid on their part, but great for us. Gun banning organizations will now not only think they lost, but that their Dear Reader has abandoned them entirely. Muahahaha.

  5. Paul Says:

    Obama and Holder have caused so many deaths…

    1. Ft. Hood massacre was allowed cause the FBI (under Holder) felt one should not snoop on Muslims, no matter what.

    2. Benghazi was allowed cause Obama and co. just didn’t want to risk any political capitol.

    3. The Boston massacre happened, well just like #1. The didn’t want to snoop on Muslims.

    Guns? Heck we know Obama was praying (if he even knows how to do that) for it to be a white guy with an assault rifle and Tea Party membership. He would have declared them a terrorist organization. But no, it was (speak softly).. Muslims. So he won’t tie guns to Muslims or whatever cause they are not Republicans or conservatives.

  6. Paul Says:

    And of course.. under Holder (and Obama) we had Fast&Furious. People died and they lied. Lied and ignored what was in front of them.

  7. Obamao Says:

    Just shooting from the hip here, but I am pretty sure legal permanent residents (LPRs) are afforded the same rights as citizens in every way except the vote.

  8. Seerak Says:

    Obamao: you’re pretty close to the truth. What differences exist in general are about where you would expect them to be: we can’t legally vote, run for (most) public office, or get security clearance for jobs that need it (mainly aerospace companies).

    I otherwise do not encounter differences, though I have been warned that there are a large number of people, some of them cops, who seem to think that non-citizens don’t have rights.

    For buying guns, the only restriction that exists at the federal level is the requirement to provide evidence of 3 months continuous residence at my address to go with the 4473, usually satisfied with 3 utility bills. Yes, this means that I effectively lose the ability to purchase for three months every time I move.

    Beyond that, any restrictions are at the state level. Missouri, for example, will only issue CCW and its handgun purchase permit to citizens, but otherwise its gun laws do not refer to citizenship. So, as a non-resident visiting Missouri, I can do everything a US Citizen visitor can do (including carry on my NV permit), but if I move there I won’t be able to CC or buy any handguns.

    More info here

    Some of that is outdated though; I don’t think Washington state is nearly as bad as it used to be. When I lived in Oregon, I had to make sure not to miss the exit to the gun range from I-5, as it was the last one before the Columbia River bridge.

  9. Matthew Carberry Says:

    The administration isn’t doing this out of goodwill, the SAF (I’m not mad, just very disappointed Gottlieb) and state groups have been winning lawsuits on the subject right and left.

    More incremental wins.

  10. Del Vinal Says:

    Obama has a past just like these guys. And he’s doing what to us? He’s not bailing our boat out, he’s trying to sink it out of spite. More of his boys here.
    I want a new immigration law . Anyone coming here gets treated as an American would if an American went to their country and illegaly entered . And no voting ever for any immigrant.
    Deportation is possible.

  11. Crawler Says:

    This news should come as no surprise to anyone.

    I mean, given that the Ideologue-in-Chief and his corrupt Attorney General were caught illegally walking guns over our border with the intentions of amassing enough political juice and public emotion to call for more inherent rights-infringing legislation from congress, what better way is there to arm unknown and unchecked aliens (illegal and legal) in our country with firearms with the hopes that just ONE of them uses a dastardly so-called assault weapon in a heinous crime so they can, well, call for more rights-infringing legislation?

    If the Ideologue-in-Chief and his corrupt AG decree their way into this vote-buying scheme, don’t be surprised when aliens in America (illegal and legal) have an easier path to get Class III weaponry than natural born and lawful Americans.

    I don’t trust anything those two forked-tongue corrupt sonsofbitches ever propose, say or do. With them, it’s always agenda driven and collateral damage is always acceptable.

  12. Huck Says:

    Notice how the Obama administration and the demtraitors are always ready to help out anyone/everyone EXCEPT the honest working American citizens with morals?

  13. Sigivald Says:

    “The Department has determined that the Gun Control Act does not permit ATF to impose a regulatory requirement that aliens lawfully present in the United States are subject to a 90-day State residency requirement when such a requirement is not applicable to U.S. citizens”

    So they’ve been adding an illegal requirement for god knows how long?

    Good that they’re stopping.

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