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So, do they see how stupid gun control sounds now?

Stacey Campfield in hot water over joke about assault pressure cookers. Here’s his blog post with a pic I’ve linked before. Notice the butthurt in the comments. The tears of hippies are sweet.

But Campfield made a valid point that banning things based on appearance is stupid.

The interesting thing to me is that the press doesn’t know how to hyperlink.

5 Responses to “So, do they see how stupid gun control sounds now?”

  1. source unknown Says:

    I’ve possibly tracked down the first poster. Maybe.

    reddit user /u/My_fifth_account on Apr 17th


    Then me, you, Stacy Campfield, Facebook (last Sat?), and

  2. wizardpc Says:

    Stacey Campfield could come up with a gay marriage bill and the press here would castigate him for being anti polygamy.

  3. Mu Says:

    Williams Sonoma got proactive and took pressure cookers of the shelf “out of respect for the Boston victims”.

  4. TigerStripe Says:

    Sounds like he needs an award for being an elected official who seems to have some sense and a sense of humor… TS

  5. The Sen. Says:

    Well I did credit Say Uncle on Hal Hill when he interviewed me on the post.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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