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Students stand up for speech

And the second amendment. The teen who was suspended for wearing an NRA shirt went back to school wearing the shirt, joined by a hundred other students. Excellent. Things like this give me hope for the future.

4 Responses to “Students stand up for speech”

  1. TigerStripe Says:

    A student in Connecticut had the same happen to him:

  2. TigerStripe Says:


  3. HankR Says:

    Anybody have a snail mail address of the “Sons of the Second” who apparently provided the shirts? I’d like to send them a check to cover a couple of the shirts and all my google-fu is finding is a youtube channel which may or may not be the same group.

  4. workinwifdakids Says:

    And still we don’t have any side except the child’s. As I said in the first post, it’s entirely possible this went as the boy said. But if we can’t trust the media when they intentionally make us look bad, why would we trust the media when they accidentally make us look good?

    No, I think I’ll wait for something more than an 8th grader saying “She was super mean to me.”

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