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I wouldn’t call you mentally ill

But your elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top.

4 Responses to “I wouldn’t call you mentally ill”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I love the irony of the young kid in the background.

    She’s making a case that she shouldn’t be trusted with a gun, but doesn’t note the irony that she can be trusted with a child?

  2. Paul Says:

    For some odd reason, ratings and comments were disabled on the video. What about my right as a retard to say something stupid in the comments section?

  3. Frank Says:

    What Paul said.
    No ratings and comments must be approved. A shining example of the First Amendment.

  4. Fin Says:

    I commented and told that “Mommy” to “keep her ovaries off of my guns”, or something like that. Too bad the world will never read it or the thumbs down rating I gave her. She’s gonna be some kind of special come time for menopause. Because she’s a real bitch right now.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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