Archive for April, 2013

April 21, 2013

I thought weed mellowed you out

3 shot at 4/20 rally. Good thing Colorado rushed through all that gun control legislation to stop this! Oh, wait.

Governor Christie says NJ needs more gun control, chili cheese fries

Uhm, have you read your gun control laws?.

And I made up the part about cheese fries.

But 90% support gun control, they lied

A tale of two rallies.

I bet they didn’t have a bomb permit either

Headline: Mass. Police: Bomb Suspects Didn’t Have Gun Permit

Gun Porn

S&W Model 625 45 Colt Performance Center Range Review


April 20, 2013

Bad timing

I’m sure after Boston, the immigration debate is dead. So, does this really look like a good idea?


I’m all for legal immigrants getting guns but, I think now, that idea is politically unlikely.

So, they caught suspect 2

Police shut down a city, went door to door searching houses, and, in a bit of irony, didn’t check the outside of a house. After the shutdown was lifted, a homeowner, now allowed to go outside, found him. Probably could have found him sooner if police hadn’t overreacted. Not a good day for America, frankly. The donut bit just makes it a bit more sad.

The new no-knock raid.

April 19, 2013

Wear a pro second amendment shirt to school, get arrested


When 8th grade Jared Marcum got dressed for school this morning he says he had no idea that his pro-Second Amendment shirt would initiate what he calls a fight over his First Amendment rights.

“I never thought it would go this far because honestly I don’t see a problem with this, there shouldn’t be a problem with this,” Jared said.

It was the image of a gun printed on Jared’s t-shirt that sparked a dispute between a Logan Middle School teacher and Jared, that ended with Jared suspended, arrested and facing two charges, obstruction and disturbing the education process, on his otherwise spotless record.

A good lawyer is about to own someone.

U mad, bro?

Obama is still butthurt over his loss. So, he’s going the executive order route:

Federal law bans certain mentally ill people from purchasing firearms, but not all states are providing data to stop the prohibited sales to the FBI’s background check system. A federal review last year found 17 states contributed fewer than 10 mental health records to the database, meaning many deemed by a judge to be a danger still could have access to guns.

The Obama administration was starting a process Friday aimed at removing barriers in health privacy laws that prevent some states from reporting information to the background check system.

Such an action may violate HIPAA but this administration rarely cares about things such as following the law.

April 18, 2013


Obama lost twice recently. He lost the gun control bill and before that he lost in the sequester fight. This is a man not used to losing. For some reason, he’s been a very blessed man at getting every thing he’s ever wanted despite having no discernible talent, other than public speaking, that I know of. He’s never had a real job or ran a business. His political career prior to presidenting consisted of voting “present”. He won Obmacare even though no one liked it. He won various budget and tax increases even though no one seemed to like it. And he beat republicans like they owe him money, a lot. But he kept winning.

But he lost recently. And substantially. And it shocked and angered him. You can tell by his tone and speeches that this bugs him a lot. Good.

Seems that telling gun folks we need to find common ground and have a dialogue while accusing them of aiding murder was a bit of an oversight.

But, he’ll keep bitterly clinging to his gun control.

Why the gun bill failed

NRA told them they’d be held accountable and this would affect their grades.

Also, gun control groups pushing unpopular legislation as part of their package meant the background check bill didn’t go through. You have to dance in the blood of dead children quickly, apparently.


Turns out, most Americans don’t give a flying flip about gun control or immigration reform.

More good advice

Never shoot all your ammo at the range. I thought this was just common sense gun control? I go to the range and have two magazines that are designated as get home mags and are for carry only.

But no one needs more than some arbitrary number of rounds

One cop who carries 145 rounds of ammo

Good advice

Keep calm and carry one

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

I thought it was right wingers who threatened to kill politicians for not doing what they want?

Background checks to buy gun powder

Lautenberg’s latest. And, also, background checks on pressure cookers, nails, ball bearings and any other substance that can be used as explosive material, I guess.

Gun money

The NRA spent all kinds of money, according to the press. But Bloomberg spent the same amount. No press coverage.

In other news, Philly police have 1,356 machine guns

The news, however, is that they lost one.

We must ban pressure cookers

Especially assault pressure cookers.

Boston bomber suspect photos released

I recall hearing some nonsense about CNN leaking that the suspects were “brown-skinned” then there was outrage at that and, also, that CNN was wrong. It turns out, they look kind of brown-skinned.

Executive orders

Biden says expect “executive action” this week. And he means other than the executive getting on TV and shaming the people who beat him.

Reactions to gun control failure

Or, in which I gloat . . .

The gun bill has been pulled.

Reactions to it’s failure that amuse me:

Obama beclowns himself with lie after lie and fallacy after fallacy. There were many coherent arguments and they were successfully made. You lost.

Some Obama handler:

If we can’t get it done four months after Sandy Hook, how are we going to get it done any time in the next four years?

Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll some day soon get more blood of children to dance and parade around. So, there’s that. I mean, your supporters are already wishing for more dead kids.

A bunch of actors think people care what they say when they’re not reading scripts.

Pelosi says it’s just a matter of time. Most people on the wrong side of history think that until the end.

Liberals don’t like the pro-gun democrats.

It was indeed shameful

The tears of hippies are sweet.


Another round up.

All in all, a good day for freedom and a bad one for statists.

But remember, kids, this was a battle and we’re in a war.

I’m still laughing


Also, the comments there are wonderful. Tears of hippies are the sweetest.

Only the police should have guns

Cop pulls gun on customer at McDonalds

Gun Porn

My rifle. Well, not mine but you know.

SA P226. That makes me want a Sig again!

Sunday Smiths

Under Folder

April 17, 2013

Sad clowns

Barrack Obama and Randy Neal. Bonus points because both are lying to appear being sad.

A good day for civil rights makes me smile.

In celebration of gun control’s utter loss

I’m hoisting a whiskey. You should do the same.

Gun bills go down

good. And went down by a decent enough margin.

The death of gun control at least federally, I hope.

The death of gun control

The Senate bill does not look to pass. It has been said that this is their last fight not ours. Lets hope thats the case.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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