Archive for April, 2013

April 07, 2013

Get off my lawn

Oh, John McCain, go away already.

The plan

Dave Kopel tells you about the gun proposals and how they will turn gun owners into felons.

Anti-gun activists

Are often gun criminals.

ATF wants a big database

To keep track of who your friends are. This already exists and is a product the police use. I know because a policeman acquaintance of mine showed it to me. He entered my name and some identifying info and it spit out people that I knew. This was 8 or so years ago. Kind of creepy.


Post Newtown, more states pass pro gun measures than gun control.

We must ban assault bows

Man shot with an arrow at a gentlemen’s club.

Turn out the lights on the way out

Which gun company will leave the anti-gun states first? Well, there’s always room in Tennessee.

Bill Maher has never been a libertarian

No matter what he says. Granted, anytime the folks at Reason go on his show, they tend to school him hard. Of course, Ayn Rand wasn’t a libertarian either.

Gun Porn


Takedown scout

Gen4 G19


Seen at Dollywood


April 03, 2013

Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-ranged) is ignorant

She seems to think that magazines are bullets and can only be used once. Honestly, how can we have a “national conversation” when the other side is so devoid of facts and utterly ignorant on the issue? I mean, you could probably tell this woman we’re banning space aged ray guns and she’d buy it.

Mark Kelly learns that background checks work

Gabby Gifford’s hubby continues having a rough few weeks. The latest is that he tried to buy a handgun out of state and illegally. He was denied because we already have background checks and you can’t buy handguns out of state. He went to the same gun store and tried to purchase an AR-15 illegally earlier.

State religion?

What could possibly go wrong?

A CT three-fer

The governor there is now apparently spooked that all these gun nuts he’s pissing off might shoot him.

This canard again

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

Speaking of CT

The governor proposes confiscating standard capacity magazines.

It’s this BS again

The City (My The City) sucks at budgeting. And when they run out of money, the scream BUT SCHOOLS AND CHILDREN. So, another wheel tax bill has been proposed. These lose in elections and let’s keep it that way.

Why Obama is losing on gun control

A list. I think the key bit is this:

The president imagines that the GOP is the opposition on gun-control policies, but his biggest problem is red-state Democrats who are convinced he offers them no political insulation from irate gun owners.

And, of course, he spent campaign time claiming to be all for guns and stuff.

Got to start early, I guess

A wanna be illegal mayor.

If I was a bitter clinger, I’d want a gun too

Paraphrased, I think. Or it’s that densely populated area exemption of the second amendment. I’m not sure.

If it’s time to hide them

It’s too late

Emergency basis

That was the excuse of the CT legislature to rush through bad gun laws.

Gun Porn

Kahr CW45 All American DTOM


April 02, 2013

Capitalist Easter

On Saturday, I took the kids to an Easter egg hunt at the wife’s church. We approached the battle arena and Junior took off like a shot. She was grabbing eggs high, low, in bushes, and every where else. I had to prompt my son at least three times to, you know, go find some candy filled eggs. He lollygagged, meandered and, generally, farted around. When it was done, Junior had a basket full of eggs. The Second had five. He said that his sister should share with him and I said no. I explained that she worked harder, put forth more effort and tried. While he walked around, not paying attention and didn’t make an effort. If she chose to share she could but I would not make her. She did choose to share some but it was the candy she didn’t like.

The next day, my parents had an Easter egg hunt for my kids and their cousins. Only these eggs had money in them! The eldest cousin worked hard and got more eggs. When it was said and done, my sister said to her child “well, you need to share. It’s not fair that you got more than the others.” My dad piped up and said “This is not the Obama Easter egg hunt. You get what you got and that’s that” to my sister.

Good parenting, it goes on even when your kids are into their 30s.


15 year old girl takes Maryland congress monkeys to task:

Speaking of apples to apples

A lot of TN gun buyers get caught up in the whole “arrested v. convicted” thing and that mucks up their background check. Tennessee has the highest rate of gun purchase denials in the nation and it’s mostly due to mistakes and they mostly get their guns later. A right delayed . . .

The narrative

If you compare apples to apples instead of apples to anacondas, the murder rate in the UK according to US standards is double or higher than their reported rate

Another illegal mayor

A Mayor Against Guns arrested for bribery. I’m shocked. I mean, this almost never doesn’t not happen (wait, that’s too many negatives, I think. Fuck English).

In other news, Mayors Against Guns is getting pretty efficient at scrubbing their web page.

Just one handgun

What would it be?

For me, Glock 17 or Smith and Wesson M&P9. Either is just as good.

You won’t find anyone willing to dare say it

Well, of course not. No one wants to be thought of as an idiot.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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