Ran into the exact same problem in Collin County (just North of Dallas) with Sheriff Box and also my local Chief of Police.
Sheriff Box actually told me he had no way to know I wouldnt become a criminal later so refused to sign. Sheriff Box told me he only signs for his friends or friends of his friends.
My Chief of Police refused to sign because he doesnt believe any civilian should own a full auto.
Eagle Scout, 10 years in the Reserves, 3 Active Duty, retired a Major, Dentist, Security Clearance, spent entire adult life in the North Texas area outside of my 3 years overseas in the Army, married, yadda yadda yadda. None of that mattered. As far as Box was concerned none of that mattered because I could always turn to a life of crime.
So a Revocable Living Trust it was! heh… I get pleasure voting against Sheriff Box every election (he essentially runs unopposed but its the principle of the matter).
May 4th, 2013 at 12:32 am
Ran into the exact same problem in Collin County (just North of Dallas) with Sheriff Box and also my local Chief of Police.
Sheriff Box actually told me he had no way to know I wouldnt become a criminal later so refused to sign. Sheriff Box told me he only signs for his friends or friends of his friends.
My Chief of Police refused to sign because he doesnt believe any civilian should own a full auto.
Eagle Scout, 10 years in the Reserves, 3 Active Duty, retired a Major, Dentist, Security Clearance, spent entire adult life in the North Texas area outside of my 3 years overseas in the Army, married, yadda yadda yadda. None of that mattered. As far as Box was concerned none of that mattered because I could always turn to a life of crime.
So a Revocable Living Trust it was! heh… I get pleasure voting against Sheriff Box every election (he essentially runs unopposed but its the principle of the matter).