Archive for May, 2013

May 01, 2013

A good reason in incorporate or start a trust

Sheriff Refuses to Sign Machine Gun Transfer for Law Abiding Citizen

We must close the ‘shoot a police officer in his head and steal his gun’ loophole

Oddly, the Boston terrorists didn’t get their second gun from the internet or a gun show.

Public education

So, some people burst into a school in ninja gear and guns and started shooting at people. It was only a drill.

Because we don’t base law on the emotional reactions of freaked out victims

That is the correct answer but Sen. Kelly Ayotte handled it well enough:

But but but 90% want gun control

Democrats are using pro-gun Democrats in key races in 2014. Well, sure. They’re trying to maintain.

In Illinois

Public housing gun ban repealed.

Magpul splits

They’re now making their magazines out of state.


Guns bought in buybacks in AZ cannot be destroyed

Life is hard

When you have to astro-turf your own hate mail.

Gun Porn

1858 DA percussion revolver. Via Lyle.

DPMS PDW in 300 BLK. Holy Acronyms, Batman.

Leather and stuff in pockets

Millions served, a few thousand annoyed

At some point today, the sitemeter turns 9,000,000. 

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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