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When every one commits felonies daily

Kids need to deal with it: “My Dad is in jail”: Sesame Street Teaches Kids About America’s Incarceration Epidemic


4 Responses to “When every one commits felonies daily”

  1. Bryan S. Says:

    They got to get all our kids used to it as they make up more “crimes”.

  2. Todd Says:

    I was thinking you start with something like “Sorry Timmy, but your dad is a scum bag who can keep from ________” or “Sorry Timmy that your mom can’t give up the corner and the rock”. “Do you like movies about Gladiators?” Ok all joking a side it’s a tough thing. But the one that really pisses me off is a court system that puts unemployed men – and sometimes women – in jail because they can’t pay their child support. Who came up with that brilliant idea? What did someone wake up one day and say “Is there a way in which I can make it more difficult for people to pay their child support? I know we will put them in jail for not paying, so that once they get out, it will be more difficult for them to get a job and pay their child support. Then we can throw them back into jail.” Just F’ing brilliant. No offense ladies who might read this blog, but I’m not thinking that a male came up with that plan. But if one did it doesn’t matter, cause I still think that drawn and quartered by 4 f-150’s in first running at idle should be the punishment for some crimes. And maybe even use a fifth one for certain violators. Yeah, I’m a little evil that way.

  3. Metulj Says:

    They don’t put unemployed men and women in jail for not paying their child support. They put people who are willfully avoiding paying their child support. They might be unemployed, but that’s a symptom of the avoidance, not the reason they can’t pay. The guy who mowed my lawn (cash only) didn’t show up one week. Called him. No answer. Called his friend to see what was up. “He didn’t pay his support for two years. He’s in jail.” What? He charges 170 a month to do my yard and I know he has at east 25 customers. A quick bit of math yields roughly $4000 a month gross and he works alone. Yeah, he also keeps all him money in jars and doesn’t support his kids. Yup, its an anecdote. And, yup, it’s probably not all that uncommon. He’s stealing from his kid and needs some time thinking about whether being chased around the shower room is worth “showing his ex who is boss.” He had to pay, seriously, $252 a month for his kid. Hell, I liked the guy and I would let him mow my yard again. He should support his child.

  4. Crotalus Says:

    Wasn’t it Winston Churchill who said, “When you have 10,000 regulations, you destroy all respect for the law.”?

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