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We must ban shoes for the children

Professor killed by woman with stiletto heel

5 Responses to “We must ban shoes for the children”

  1. John Richardson Says:

    I’ve heard that stiletto heels were bad for your health but I thought they meant your feet and back.

  2. Mike V Says:

    Brings a whole new meaning to the term “Impact Weapon!” Look out! She has a shoe!

  3. Lex Luther Says:

    “Who Throws A Shoe?”

    Now we know.

  4. nk Says:

    It’s not likely, the wounds they describe. Hey, you dumb cops, look for a pick or masonry hammer too, idiots.

  5. Crotalus Says:

    I dunno, I think she might have read “Unintended Consequences” and took that part to heart.

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