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Stupid things people say

You should be able to holster without looking. No. If you’re too busy to look and be safe, then throw the fucking gun away. You’re too busy.

8 Responses to “Stupid things people say”

  1. SPQR Says:

    Yep. That’s the bottom line. Although I’ve seen a few holsters that I don’t care for, because they make AD’s while reholstering or holstering improperly more likely.

  2. shovelDriver Says:

    If you have a holster that causes ADs, the problem isn’t the holster. Yes, you may have the wrong holster, but the problem is the person handling the gun. If you can’t learn to holster safely and quickly after a very short period of practice, the problem is you.

    Next subject: Can you (safely) place your weapon on Safe while holstering? Even a Glock? No? Then guess where the problem lies?

  3. Kevin Says:

    If you are a cop you absolutely need to be able to safely holster without looking. If you are not a cop then not so much.

  4. snoopycomputer Says:

    If you’re holstering, that means you’re 100% sure that the danger has passed, you can afford to take 0.5 seconds to see where your holster is.
    Or did it get ripped off in the struggle? Or it’s there but full of grass and dirt from the ground. Or it shifted to 5 o’clock from it’s usual 4 o’clock position….

  5. Ohio Shawn Says:

    I agree with snoopycomputer “If you’re holstering, that means you’re 100% sure that the danger has passed, you can afford to take 0.5 seconds to see where your holster is.”

    If you’re holstering, the problem is resolved. If not and you need both hands for some reason, drop the gun.

  6. Gerry Says:

    Sorry to disagree. You should be able to holster without looking. If you have a good holster, and don’t allow shirts, keys or your finger to get in the way of your trigger it’s no problem even with a Glock. You may want to keep an eye on a crowd while you administer first aid to yourself or others.

    I agree 100% that does not need to be fast and it should not be done if you believe the threat still is capable of hurting you. I’ve never seen an Q, USPSA or IDPA target attack and they never seem to shoot back at me anyway.

    Your mileage may vary.

  7. Geodkyt Says:

    No one ever lost a firefight because they couldn’t reholster fast enough. You should be able to reholster one-handed, and it’s NICE to be able to reholster without looking, but it isn’t crtitcal to an armed civilan.

    I’ll give a pass to a cop, because THEY may well need to go hands on to a suspect in a hurry. But a high retention duty holster for a unifomred officer is a totally different than the situation a CCW wearer is facing.

    And military users? Again, a “nice to have” feature, but ultimately, that’s why lanyards were invented. Hell, the 1911 has a grip safety so it can safely bounce on the end of a lanyard cocked and unlocked, on a galloping horse.

  8. Mike V Says:

    I know what he says, but I have a friend who had the same thing happen. He admits finger on trigger syndrome caused it.

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