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The ACLU on Obama

A nation of fear. No, just a nation of Chicago politics.

2 Responses to “The ACLU on Obama”

  1. MrSatyre Says:

    I’m reminded of the end of Alfred Bester’s brilliant SF novel “The Stars My Destination”, in which the protagonist reveals the biggest humanity-changing secret of all time to the great, unwashed masses because he believed that keeping secrets was like trying to contain a cancer. The rest of the self-righteous do-gooders were all horrified and engrage because they believed that the people couldn’t be trusted to do the right thing with such power as…knowledge.

    The Feds dismissed such programs as PRISM and ridiculed anyone who maintained they existed. Then they claimed no prior knowledge of them when they were brought to light. Now they’re furious that such programs were exposed because it shows them for exactly what they are: immoral, illegal and illogical.

    There’s a huge difference between revealing the names and whereabouts of undercover agents in the field and pointing out that certain agencies are tearing up the Constitution and using it as toilet paper. Snowden is hardly guilty of the former, but certainly guilty of the latter.

  2. emdfl Says:

    heh, heh, heh… The members of the American communist lawyers’ union have finally figured out that they are also going over the side of the sleigh to feed the wolves.

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