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Whither gun blog black list?

Where did it go?

20 Responses to “Whither gun blog black list?”

  1. kahr40 Says:

    Noticed that. Curious isn’t it.

  2. wizardpc Says:

    Google had announced that today it was going to delete a few million “adult themed” blogs from blogger if they had ads on them.

    I have, in the past, seen several gun blogs that are hosted on blogger flagged as “adult themed” and I had to say that I was over 18 before it would let me view the content.

    North’s other blog also disappeared today. I suspect that his google account was suspended/revoked.

    Don’t be evil.

  3. Tam Says:

    Curious isn’t it.

    Not really, no.

  4. Tam Says:


    That’s some serious speculatin’…

  5. wizardpc Says:

    We’ve seen google “accidentally” delete dozens of conservative blogs before during these purges. It’s speculation based on their past behavior.

  6. RSN Says:

    They deleted a legitimate political blog. We’re not speculating as to that – unless there’s some thought that the owners took it down. I submit that when someone is shown to have censored an opposing belief we can infer malicious intent, much as we would if a man’s fist were to strike the face of someone he disliked.

    Sons of bitches.

  7. bluesun Says:

    Or you could realize that North has been saying for some time that the Gun Blogs aren’t what they were when he signed up.

  8. Ruth Says:

    Dammit, I was just up there yesterday morning. Knew I shoulda just saved a link to everything I was reading regularly….

  9. Tam Says:


    Did they? Did you talk to the blog owner and ask him if he took it down himself?

  10. Linoge Says:

    Or you could realize that North has been saying for some time that the Gun Blogs aren’t what they were when he signed up.

    And damned if he is not right.

  11. Tam Says:

    Thank god I’m not a gun blogger, then. I don’t think I could handle the drama.

  12. Linoge Says:

    Apparently you are not alone, given the existence of this post.

  13. mike miles Says:

    North’s blog at has also been deleted. His GBBL was a great resource.
    If the blog does not return, I am building a backup version here:

  14. Matt R. Says:

    I noticed it was gone yesterday. I had been reading it for a couple of days then, Poof!

    Also, has a denial of service attack this weekend too. Hopefully these events are not related at all….

    –Matt R.

  15. Old NFO Says:

    I’ve talked to North, due to personal issues the blog is down. It may be back this week under new management, lets say…

  16. Erin Palette Says:

    @Mike miles: I see that my blog, Brigid’s blog, Tam’s blog, and perhaps others have been removed from the blogroll. I find this exclusion troubling.

    While I cannot speak for the others, I would request that my blog be added back to the list. Thank you.

  17. mike miles Says:

    Erin, my apologies, however as I was rebuilding the list from cached google copies, google removed all references to the original GBBL list and all cached copies. I find it odd that google did this.

    Anyways, I have added your blog and will add any pro second amendment blog that wished to be added. I still continue to hold out hope that the original list returns.

    Mike – email: 90ninetymiles at the gmail place.

  18. Erin Palette Says:

    Thank you for your diligence, Mike. Much obliged!

  19. Maura Says:

    Mike Miles has essentially stolen North’s GBBL logo and his work and is putting it forward as his own. It’s shameful that a blogger would stoop to stealing another’s work, and then continue even after it has been announced the GBBL will be returning.

    Shame on you, Mike Miles. You are a black eye on the gun community.

  20. North - Gun Blog Black List Says:

    I had absolutely nothing to do with anyone being excluded on another person’s blog. It is their blog, not mine.

    The original GBBL didn’t exclude anyone. Despite this, I’ve gotten a load of angry emails and blog comments about excluding Erin, Tam, and Brigid. They are on the GBBL as they always have been.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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