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Like putting a band-aid on a dead man

Chicago strengthens assault weapons ban.

7 Responses to “Like putting a band-aid on a dead man”

  1. Mu Says:

    You are a felon with a gun in the act of committing a crime of violence while dealing drugs. How much time will the violation of a city ordinance add to your 20 year federal sentence?

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    I’d never thought that after losing McDonald AND paying out Big Bucks in Lawyers Fees, that Chicago Politicians would be so STUPID to have to face the Supreme Court again.

    But since Obama’s Dept. of InJustice is too busy going after Zimmerman, I doubt that we’ll see much effort to Prosecute them for Violating the RKBA.

    Wonder what Alan Gura is going to do with the next check he gets from Chicago? I thinks he should get a nice Beach House.

  3. rickn8or Says:

    “No legislation, no matter how strict, will keep weapons out of the wrong hands. We all know that,” said Chicago City Councilman Robert Fioretti, who voted for the gun ban.

    Talk about doubling down on Stupid…

  4. Sigivald Says:

    Yeah, those assault weapons that aren’t even being used by the gangs in Chicago, last I checked.

    Aren’t the vast majority of their shootings there committed with ordinary pistols that even their new “strengthened” ban doesn’t affect as “assault weapons”?

    (I’d check in detail, but of course Yahoo doesn’t have a link to the details. Possibly because Chicago doesn’t publish things like that very rapidly.)

  5. jon Says:

    Or a tourniquet around your neck…

  6. Jim Says:

    Just watched a Vice/NPR interview with some gang bangers from Chicago who said something similar to “Niggas don’t be carrying assault rifles. We git up on you with a pistol. That law don’t hurt us.”

  7. TS Says:

    Anybody know what the new ban is?

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