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Show Trial

So, the feds took all of the evidence in the Zimmerman case. This is not a road they want to go down.

6 Responses to “Show Trial”

  1. jtc Says:

    “Independent of the legal determination that will be made, I believe that this tragedy provides yet another opportunity for our nation to speak honestly about the complicated and emotionally charged issues that this case has raised,” Holder said last week. “We must not — as we have too often in the past — let this opportunity pass.”


    I don’t care what a six-pack of cracker ho’s says, I’m gonna use the blood of a bad bro and the life of a good Joe to fire up the ‘hoods and the hate to take away the means to defend against -I mean attack- um, me. This time fo’ sho’.

  2. wizardpc Says:

    I like how CNN linked to the NAACP donation page. That was a nice touch.

  3. Kirk Parker Says:

    Attorney General Eric Holder has said the Justice Department will ‘act in a manner that is consistent with the facts and the law’.

    It’s a little late for that, actually.

  4. Cargosquid Says:

    This “investigation” will continue until November 2014 with appropriate leaks and findings presented whenever the base calms down or starts paying attention to the economy. At that time, Sharpton and Jackson will be notified to appear on TV and mouth platitudes until they incite a riot or two.

  5. Jeff from DC Says:

    I’m waiting for the civil trial. All the things deemed too prejudicial get to float to the surface.

  6. emdfl Says:

    The best part of any civil trial held in Florida with regards to this case is that when lil’tavvy’s sperm donator and whoever LOSE(and they will), they get to pay the costs of parties in the trial. That should nicely drain the pot of money that the HOA had to put up.

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