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People say to me “hey, if you could be a superhero, who would you be?”*

It’s gotta be the Hulk. He’s a cool, productive member of the community. Has a job.  Is smart.  Knows pretty women. Until you piss him off.

Then, he’ll smash you. He’ll smash your city. He’ll smash your army. Hell, he’ll even smash the occasional Norse god.

But leave him alone and he’s cool.

I guess if a superhero embodied libertarian ideals, it’d be him.

* just kidding. No one asks me that.

19 Responses to “People say to me “hey, if you could be a superhero, who would you be?”*”

  1. HL Says:


  2. IllTemperedCur Says:


    Pros: Fortress Of Solitude (get off my ice field…..errr, lawn), pervy X-Ray vision

    Cons: stupid disguise, ghey-assed blue and red spandex chonies for a costume

    Might need some time to think this over

  3. Blue Waters Says:

    I actually made a similar point in 2012 during the primaries when the Avengers released, that Newt was like Capt America, the freedom spreading Neo Con, Rick Santorum was like Thor, the religious social con, Romney was Iron Man the Rockafeller business Republican and Ron Paul was the Hulk, because what you said and Obama is the freedom hating Loki that they must team up to defeat.

    And then they lost because they kicked the Hulk off the team.

  4. nk Says:

    And I thought I had lost my virginity forever ….

    Ok, ok, I’ll play. I’d want to be Marv from Sin City. I’m already halfway there with the ugliness and drunkensess, now let me have the strength and the meanness.

  5. Hulk Says:

    I just want to be left alone!

  6. milquetoast Says:

    I get it. You like purple pants. Plus all the ladies like the Hulk because they know that the angrier the Hulk gets the bigger the Hulk gets.

    I would point out that the Hulk doesn’t seem to have a libertarian’s respect for property rights.

  7. Shootin Buddy Says:

    So, Beast from X-Men should be on your list as well?

  8. Austrian Anarchy Says:

    I have always been a Batman guy, and he can kill Superman, so he is the ultimate.

  9. kaveman Says:

    Aquaman all the way, because I can have sex with fish.

  10. Cargosquid Says:

    Gotta go with Iron Man.
    He has the ultimate superpower. Money. He freaking builds Iron Man armor AS A HOBBY. Gets the chicks. Great parties. Genius. Handsome. And has Black Sabbath as his theme music.

  11. John Farrier Says:

    I would be Batgirl because she’s a librarian, too.

    Wait, that didn’t come out right.

    I’d be Batman.

  12. IBOgre Says:

    While I would like to be Batman, Dredd, or Capt. America, I most identify with the Comedian.

    What does that say about me?

  13. red Says:

    Gotta go with Spider-Man.

  14. Bram Says:

    “Watchmen” was the only superhero movie that made any sense to me. So, I’ll go with Rorschach who lived and died for brutal honesty.

    (Although Dr. Manhattan is pretty tempting)

  15. chris Says:

    James Madison, Floyd Mayweather and Jonah Falcom

  16. chris Says:

    Meant to type (but I can’t type) Jonah Falcon.

  17. NotClauswitz Says:

    Ben Grimm?

  18. Cargosquid Says:

    Anybody want to be Deadpool?

  19. Austrian Anarchy Says:

    If money is the deal, Batman still wins. However, if it is how one’s money is made, Tony Stark is a bit more of an entrepreneur than Bruce Wayne.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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