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But not quite a Darwin. Some guy driving like an asshat waved his gun at people telling him to slow down. Then shot himself in the jimmies. Heh.

6 Responses to “Justice”

  1. Tango Says:

    The Darwin award is given to those that remove themselves from the gene pool, right? I don’t think he’ll be passing his genes on!

  2. AndyN Says:

    Well, technically, I think Darwin would argue that the guy just has to die eventually without reproducing, not die immediately. So he may fit the bill.

  3. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Another glorious victory for Appendix Carry and Position Sul!

  4. Richard Popkin Says:

    Just more reinforcement for the adage:
    Drive OR shoot.

  5. Crawler Says:

    “Instant Karma’s gonna get you
    Gonna knock you right in the [little] head
    You better get yourself together Rhonney
    Pretty soon you’re gonna be dead”

    A better “Instant Karma” example would be pretty difficult to come up with that would top an irascible schmuck driving down the road, waving a .45 caliber pistol in a threatening manner to others, and getting shot in the groin with the same pistol!

    Karma aside, a .45 projectile can be a real bitch, too, eh Rhonney Jacobs?

  6. Chas Says:

    “Groin” is so vague. Liberal cocksucking media. They’re incompetent! They are fucking incompetent! They should be shot in the “groin” with a flamethrower for their obtuseness!

    “Don’t worry, we’re only going to shoot you in the groin.”

    “Groin! That could be anywhere! What do you mean groin?! I mean, “groin” covers a lot of territory, there’s a lot of stuff down there! That could be anywhere! What do you mean by “groin”? Are you going to shoot my dick? Or my balls? What are you going to shoot? What do you mean by “groin”? What are you talking about!!!

    “Don’t worry, Mr. Commie Lib Journalista, despite your sudden concern about the meaning of the word “groin”, you really don’t have anything to worry about. You see, we’re going to use a flamethrower when we shoot you, so the specifics are a lot less important than you might think. Basically, you’re going to be on fire, that is, set ablaze, from your nipples to your knees, so you might want to just get right in your head with that idea, because you’re not exactly going to have a choice about it when the time comes to warm you up for the devil, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.”

    “Warm me up for the devil! You’re one of those Christians! Aren’t you! I’m going to be a human sacrifice for your god, am I not!!!

    “Uh, no. We’re just sending you to the devil. We couldn’t care less what he does with you, though from what we understand, it might be a bit on the warm side.”

    “I knew it! I knew it! You’re devil worshippers! And I’m a human sacrifice to Satan!”

    “Uh, no. We worship Jesus, not the devil, and as for you, we’re just sending you along your way, on the assumption that it’s the devil that you’re going to see, since you’ve served him so well, and not Jesus, and that’s based on our personal experience with you. Good-bye. You boys with the flamethrowers are good to go! Boo-yah! Send him to Beelzebub, boys! And a long ways away from us!”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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