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Police agree: Useless safety feature is useless

Colorado Springs PD ditches guns with magazine disconnect safeties. And, you know, if you’re a cop, you may someday have to reload while covering someone.

8 Responses to “Police agree: Useless safety feature is useless”

  1. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Well, if magazine disconnect safeties are that bad, maybe we could require all private gun owners to have two of them. Sounds like common communist sense to me.”

  2. jdrush Says:

    It’s not that hard to remove the magazine safety on the M&P series. I don’t remember it making a difference in trigger feel before or after removing the worthless thing. Apex parts- those make a difference.

  3. jdrush Says:

    And they are going for $389 at Buds. With one magazine. And dead night sights. WTF.

  4. Phelps Says:

    Is not safe. Is gun.

  5. Gerry Says:

    The magazine disconnect is a safety in the fact that if an officer is loosing control of his weapon, he can drop the magazine and render the pistol sterile. The percentage of officer shot with their own pistols are very high.

    To the best of my knowledge a magazine disconnect has nothing to do with trigger pull. It sounds like S&W is copying Glocks method of keeping departments in their fold. The will refirb the old pistols and sell them in the non LEO market and make money.

  6. Samuel Suggs Says:

    Yeah, um Gerry if you are losing control of your gun then your first thought should not be “I should disengaged my thumb to press a tiny button on the side of my gun” your just going to move going to get it taken away from you faster because the majority of your grip strength depends on your thumb being fully engaged in the gripping process. fluffy bullshit like that never helps anyone.

  7. Geodkyt Says:

    Samuel — I agree with you that it is a BS idea to purchase pistols with mag disconnects BECAUSE you are afraid your officers will have their guns taken from them.

    But numerous cops HAVE avoided being shot by their own pistols by dumping the mags in a mag disconnect equipped pistol. I suspect that even more cops would be saved in total by better retention training across the board, and I suspect mag disconnects have caused FAR more Negligent Discharges than they have saved lives, but that’s just me.

    Geryy — depends on how the mag disconnect is designed. If it involves the trigger group AT ALL (as does the classic, the GP35, as one glaring example), it DEFINITIVELY affects the trigger pull. Whether or not a particular mag disconnect would affect the trigger pull enough to be an issue is a matter of detailed design and polish.

    Since I avoid mag disconnects like the plague (given how utterly UNSAFE they are in clearing operations), my only “before and after” comparisons of any note are with GP35 pistols — where simply removing the mag disconnect on a stock trigger yields a trigger pretty much as good as a trigger job on a gun that retains the original parts, including mag disconnect. (I’ve noticed similar improvements with Series 80 1911s and thier firing pin block, although you really need to replace the lawyer parts with shims in that case.)

  8. Gerry Says:

    Suggs & Geodkyt.

    No disagreement from me on the magazine disconnect, just reporting from my training experience.

    I have two M&P9s one with and one without and there is no difference in the stock triggers.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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