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And she writes for a living

Seems some twit thinks that a comma gave us the right to bear arms. Her abridged version makes zero sense.

17 Responses to “And she writes for a living”

  1. punctuation matters Says:

    Let’s eat Grandma!

    Let’s eat, Grandma!

  2. settles Says:

    I’ve got news for him and everyone else who gets hung up on this militia business. If you registered with Selective Service, you are in the militia.

  3. Skip Says:

    Three percent.

  4. BornLib Says:

    So the grammar Nazis are joining the regular Nazis in going after the right to bear arms. Makes sense.

  5. Jake Says:

    Punctuation is important. Too bad they don’t seem to teach that in school anymore.

  6. Geodkyt Says:

    Settles — actually, that’s not wholly accurate.

    On a Venn diagram, “members of the militia” and “people registered in Selective Service” are two seperate, overlapping cirlces — albeit with a HUGE overlap.

    Many people are in the militia who are not registered with Selective Service (nor are required to be at this time), and many people who registered with Selective Service who are no longer statutorily in the militia.

    For example, men over the age of 45 (64 for veterans of the Regular Armed Forces; yes there’s a seperate federal law that covers veterans being part of the militia until 64) are no longer statutorily part of the militia, even if they registered when required.

    Men under the statutory maximum militia obligation age (45; 64 for vets of the Regulars) who entered active duty (includes reservists on active duty, military service academy cadets and midshipmen, and cadets in certain ROTC programs like VMI, the Citadel, Texas A&M, VPI, and Norwich) with the Armed Forces before 30 days after their 18th birthday, and who remained on continuous active duty until after their 26th birthday are members of the militia, despite NEVER having been required to register with Selective Service.

    Men who were born between 29 March 1957 and 31 December 1959 were NEVER required to register for Selective Service, and if veterans of the Regular Armed Forces, are still members of the militia (and will remain so until 2021 to 2024, depending on their date of birth).

  7. Geodkyt Says:

    Oh, yes, and females in the National Guard are members of the militia as well, despite never having been required to register for Selective Service.

  8. blounttruth Says:

    Another story of a person blaming a comma because their head is in their colon!

  9. IllTemperedCur Says:

    Just wait until the Ampersand Liberation Front decides to start the Revolution. Carnage in the streets.

  10. blounttruth Says:

    @ IllTemperedCur
    “Ampersand Liberation Front” has been declared a terrorist organization by the (SPLC) Southern Progressive Law Center for being to phonetically correct!

  11. milquetoast Says:

    It is supposed to be a government of the people, not the people owned by a government. I reject the notion that a militia needs to be state sponsored.

  12. Lyle Says:

    The left will argue as if they care about the constitution, when we all know that its only use to them is in helping them to eliminate its significance.

    There’s an old Soviet quote that I paraphrase as; “We will use your system to destroy you.” The American Progressives took that idea to heart long ago, and so we’re stuck arguing the meanings of commas and of the meaning of the word “is” rather than on the best means of rights protection. They got us.

  13. Chas Says:

    The Second Amendment isn’t about commas, it’s about balls. Got balls?

    Taffy 3 had balls.

  14. Bubblehead Les Says:

    WHAT!? I’m still in the Militia until age 64 because I’m a Vet?


    Oh Shit! Wait a Minute! That means I HAVE to have an AR, plus Standard Magazines and all the rest of the Stuff that Big Army say an Infantryman is issued.

    Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s Off to the Gun and Surplus Stores I go….!

  15. comatus Says:

    Well, Les, don’t forget your torpex and Momsen lung.
    Ohio has a naval militia, too.

  16. Davidwhitewolf Says:

    “Phrases surrounded by commas can often be left out of a sentence without damaging the meaning.” BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG I’m dying here. As an attorney, I’ve not had that good a laugh in a while.

  17. Geodkyt Says:

    Comatus — Well, they CAN require you (individually or as a voluntary collective) to come up with your own vessel appropriate for the Naval Militia role you wish to be assigned, just as militia wishing to be listed as dragoons or Cavalry could be required to provide their initial mounts and tack, and militia wishing to be enrolled as Artillery could be required to provide their own cannon (although frequently, militia Artillery WAS equipped with cannon by the government). . . but if you have a spare attack sub, by all means. {grin}

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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