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That’s racist

If I understand it correctly:

If a white person kills a black person, it’s national news.

If a black person kills a white person, it’s local news.

If a black person kills 1 + x white people (x being a number greater than 0), it’s regional news.

If a black person kills a black person, it’s not news.

That about sum it up?

14 Responses to “That’s racist”

  1. paul B Says:

    I dunno, 3 black people shot one white person for kicks and it is not getting much playing time.

    My takeaway is black can break any damn law they want right now.

  2. Adam Lawson Says:


    By the math, that means that three black people each killed 1/3rd of a person. That’s not even enough to make Unc’s chart.

  3. Kasper Says:

    It’s like the Darrel Wright murder in Nashville. He
    was just visiting a store to see a friend when
    two young black men robbed the store. They shot and
    killed him in a robbery that netted them ten bucks.
    Where are the marches in his memory?

  4. Kevin Baker Says:

    Silly Kasper, it’s the gun’s fault!

  5. wizardpc Says:

    Unc, you forgot:

    If a black person kills a white, English-speaking person, it’s international news about how awful America is.

  6. wizardpc Says:

    That should be “white, English-speaking foreigner”

  7. BornLib Says:

    paul B the initial media reports screwed up and showed one of their mug shots twice. One of the three teen gang bangers is white.

  8. 3 kids bored Says:

    >I dunno, 3 black people shot one white person for kicks and it is not getting much playing time.

    It made headlines, I heard it on the national news, but race was never disclosed. I guess doing so would be racist and George Zimmerman is White.

    OTOH, the kids are all minors, and they’re not allowed to be identified unless you are in the Australian press.

  9. Mu Says:

    They are all being charged as adults, so they have been identified. So I noticed once it was done the story disappeared from the CNN front page.

  10. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Doesn’t sum it up at all! You did not add in the Asian Community, the Latino Community, the LGBTG Community, the Muslim Community, the Hebrew Community, the Native American Community, etc.

    In fact, the lack of such INCLUSION automatically defines you as a RACIST, per the Holder Doctrine.

    Expect to Defend yourself in Federal Court for Civil rights Violations and Promulgating Hate Speech, Honky.

  11. J.S.Bridges Says:

    “…One of the three teen gang bangers is white.”

    Actually – not hardly. He’s even less “white” than George Zimmerman.

    In fact, he’s roughly as “black” as Zimmerman…

    BTW – add one to the original post: If there’s a gun involved in any way – no matter the white/black-role-player makeup – there will be immediate moronic bleating from Piers Morgan, blaming it all on the “horrific lack of gun control laws”

  12. Mu Says:

    Wait for the good Reverend Al to appear soon as the white looking kid got the lesser charges and doesn’t face life without parole.

  13. Crunkomatic Says:

    I heard one was half and half, like the Unicorn Whisperer.

  14. Lyle Says:

    “That about sum it up?”

    That’s pretty much it. There are variations, but that’s the basic playbook. If the black person is an outspoken conservative though, things can totally flip, and he’s dragged through the mud to set an example to the others. A really hard-core white Progressive operative/icon can get away with quite a lot also.

    So although race hustling and other group division serves a purpose, the purpose is Progressivism, i.e. incremental communism. There the dividing line (Communist verses human rights) is more stark and consistent.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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