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Nelson backs down

When challenged, they pulled their symbolic requirement everyone own a gun. Good. I support the right to not have to arm yourself too.

7 Responses to “Nelson backs down”

  1. Samuel Suggs Says:

    this is bad for us dood. pro-rights yeas good NO!

  2. Kristophr Says:

    I don’t.

    Sheep who do meet their minimum responsibilities as citizens need to be fined and castigated.

    I suggest doubling the sales tax for non-disabled adults who do not open carry.

  3. Jeffersonian Says:


    Us forcing other people to comply with our beliefs is no better than them forcing us to comply with theirs.

    No one’s saying we have to rush to their rescue though. Think of it as evolution in action.

  4. Huck Says:

    “The Constitution protects not just the right to bear arms, but the right not to bear arms,” said Jonathan Lowy, Director of the Legal Action Project at the Brady Center.’

    Well I’ll be damned! The Brady Bunch finally admits that we DO have the right to bear arms! See, even lib gun-grabbers can learn.

  5. comatus Says:

    Just temporary. Already settled law. Wait until it comes before Chief Justice Itz Attacks Roberts.

  6. Geodkyt Says:

    In the absense of an active, enforced, militia mustering and training statute (which could be state or federal, but I doubt that local governments -which are legal constructs of the state government after all- have the authority in most states to require militia musters and training), I would say that requiring gun possession is just as onerous to liberty as denying RKBA.

    Now, if there was a statute requiring teh militia to be mustered for training, THEN you can make a case for forcing people to show up with appropriate arms. (You could also make a solid case in such circumstances for REGISTERING the possession of your required militia arms — although not any OTHER guns you might own. That way we can prove that the rifle YOU bring to militia muster is actually YOURS, not that you and ten of your buddies are passing around one rifle and claiming all ten of you are properly equipped. I’m game — where do I send the check, at government cost, for my selective fire M4 carbine, which I will be happy to register as my designated “militia rifle”? LOL)

  7. Kristophr Says:


    The founding fathers disagreed with you. Please look up the Militia Act of 1792.


    State militias should be issuing stripped M4 lowers to citizens on demand. Cost should be less than $100.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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