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Open Carry

I wouldn’t do that.

13 Responses to “Open Carry”

  1. Kristophr Says:

    OC is not CCW.

    Don’t mix gear. Get a good duty holster if you wish to OC.

  2. JD(not the one with the picture) Says:

    “OC is not CCW.
    Don’t mix gear. Get a good duty holster if you wish to OC.”

    And don’t try to tell other men what to do, we don’t give a fuck about your opinion.

  3. Samuel Suggs Says:

    first of all she’s a woman second of all dial the libertarianism down a bit this is just a stupid way to carry get over it

  4. Seerak Says:

    And don’t try to tell other men what to do, we don’t give a fuck about your opinion.

    I don’t know, Mr. Suggs, that royal “we” suggests something more like monarchism than libertarianism to me.

    Something like “Speak for youself, buster” seems more the libertarian style IMO.

  5. pdb Says:

    These appear to be the gear and carriage decisions of a person who doesn’t carry every day.

  6. jtc Says:

    Yeah, it’s a dumbass (heh) way to tote, but I’m not sure the piece is in danger of gettin’ grabbed…

    “Dude, do know where that thing’s BEEN?”

    Even scum got some standards.

  7. Robb Allen Says:

    Yeah, I’m not sure even a thug wants to get too close to… that.

  8. Kristophr Says:


    Don’t try to tell other men what to say, little fascist, unless you own the venue that is being used.

    And who is this “we” you refer to? I only speak for myself. As do you, despite your attempt to make yourself a one man bandwagon.

  9. Kristophr Says:

    Seerak: I only speak for myself, and my opinions are only my own, of course.

    When I speak for others, I will post any required credentials.

  10. Seerak Says:

    Kristophr: My apologies, I should have made clear that I was aiming my “libertarian” sentiment at His Royal Highness the Self-Conscious Projectionist of comment #2, not you (or Samuel Suggs).

    I know enough not to interpret opinions on the Internet as anything other than, well, opinions.

  11. emdfl Says:

    I can see a g– awful mess on that grocery store floor if that thing decides to go off by itself, heh, heh, heh.

  12. Kristophr Says:

    I understood that, Seerak. But your post was the one that made the original ( and correct ) point.

  13. yj Says:

    why doesnt she just pack her heater in the fold of one of her back boobs?

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