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Seeds planted

In the South, people decorate their yards in the fall by putting out pumpkins and gourds and other Autumn type stuff. And, every Thanksgiving weekend at Casa de Uncle, the kids have over their cousins and we get rid of the soon to be discarded fruits by shooting them with suppressed 22LRs. It’s great fun and the kids learn gun safety.

Well, this year, I noticed an odd plant growing and spreading in the area of the yard where we usually have the shoot. I presumed the cucumbers from the garden had managed to spread somehow and the leaves looked enough alike. And then, we found it. A gourd. And more gourds. So, this year, a few new additions to the annual Pumpkin and Gourd Slaughter, first being a lot more gourds. And the next, being a suppressed M&P22:


A gourd and it’s natural enemy. Should be fun.

10 Responses to “Seeds planted”

  1. dave Says:

    clearly that is a pod-person not a gourd.

  2. MrSatyre Says:

    I think I saw a Dr. Who episode from the 1970’s with this in it. If you don’t kill it now, it will take over the nearest hapless British soldier and grow thirty or forty meters high and wave ponderous tentacle-like appendages around while cheap model fighter planes shoot at it. What a mess!

  3. Monte Says:

    Yeah, I wouldn’t fall asleep next to that thing (the pod, not the gun).

  4. Alastor Says:

    Is that an Okrah Winfrey ?

  5. Samuel Suggs Says:

    is their an aftermarket trigger availible for the M&P.22?

  6. comatus Says:

    It’s all good: they tell me there aren’t any starving children in China anymore.

    What caliber for Creeping Speedwell? No need for the silencer. If I find out what kills it, the neighbors will applaud. That stuff will choke out kudzu.

  7. Jennifer Says:

    Regenerative targets!

  8. Mu Says:

    Finally we know who won “Zombies vs. Veggies”

  9. Beaumont Says:

    Odd looking gourd. Grown near Oak Ridge, maybe?

  10. CZGUY Says:

    the enemy must be shown no mercy….

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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