They can be taught
Deer take over a Japanese city.
When “educating” wolves to not eat sheep fails, they decide that they need American hunters to pop some caps.
The football bat. Anyone have a slidefire that works on a .22 upper? I may need one before the next pumpkin slaughter.
Han Solo kydex holster. That’s rad.
In the South, people decorate their yards in the fall by putting out pumpkins and gourds and other Autumn type stuff. And, every Thanksgiving weekend at Casa de Uncle, the kids have over their cousins and we get rid of the soon to be discarded fruits by shooting them with suppressed 22LRs. It’s great fun and the kids learn gun safety.
Well, this year, I noticed an odd plant growing and spreading in the area of the yard where we usually have the shoot. I presumed the cucumbers from the garden had managed to spread somehow and the leaves looked enough alike. And then, we found it. A gourd. And more gourds. So, this year, a few new additions to the annual Pumpkin and Gourd Slaughter, first being a lot more gourds. And the next, being a suppressed M&P22:
A gourd and it’s natural enemy. Should be fun.
Anti-gunners were going to avoid Starbucks for one day because their policy on guns is to comply with local laws. Seems the pro-gun people showed up in significant numbers. That’d be a good day to go since Starbucks would be mostly hippie free.
Meanwhile, Starbucks probably doesn’t care.
Closing a loophole that’s not a loophole. Corporations are people too:
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is working on a new regulation that would require more background information when the weapons are sold to someone through a corporation or legal trust.
Not as nefarious has The Hill makes it out to be. More from David Hardy.
TMZ brings you the PSH over George Zimmerman checking out the Kel Tec plant and looking at their shotgun. Well, one of their guns saved his life so I can see why he’d check them out. The shocking part here is he was checking out the KSG.
When challenged, they pulled their symbolic requirement everyone own a gun. Good. I support the right to not have to arm yourself too.
You know, it’s almost comical who the SPLC labels as terrorists. Pretty much, anyone who is not a democrat is a terrorist.
3/4 of internet traffic available to the NSA. Well, all I have to say is ammonium nitrate pressure cooker tea party air plane.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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