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Like a boss

Jerry Miculek does a bill drill with a .50 cal rifle:

Wow. He’s Jerry Miculek and you’re not.

12 Responses to “Like a boss”

  1. HL Says:


  2. Linoge Says:

    I have come to the conclusion that that man will be used as the template for the first generation of Terminators…

  3. Greg in Allston Says:

    This man is a national treasure. I want him on my team. It good to have a high bar set for the rest of us to aspire to.

  4. jtc Says:

    Man, that old bastard is tough.

  5. Jim Says:

    Can you imagine the (likely very last) thoughts of some mis-enterprising miscreant, who would make the world’s worst decision in trying to rob Mr. M at some ATM somewhere?

    The security camera would likely not be fast enough to record the event.

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  6. BGMiller Says:


    Better yet….

    Imagine the medical examiner that posts the goblin that makes that ultimate fail in victim selection…

    “Subject appears to have taken a blast from a shotgun to the sternum at very close range. Errrr…… *plink* *plink* Correction, make that multiple rounds of what appears to be 9mm…”


  7. SPQR Says:

    He’s Jim Clark’s son in law and we’re not. (Some of us remember Jim Clark’s work)

  8. Bram Says:

    Holy Crap. Now I have to adjust my “that’s not possible” gauge.

  9. comatus Says:

    “Exploding targets”? With a .50, all targets are exploding. I once fired into a backstop of a mild steel tank filled with 8 feet of clay subsoil. Of course the round penetrated both sides. That was expected. The fun part was that it set the clay on fire.

  10. Adam Says:

    If you don’t crack a smile watching that video you’re not American.

  11. Dewight Says:

    The best part was his reaction when he was finished firing. He had amazed and enjoyed himself.

  12. Reputo Says:

    “I’ve sighted in the gun at 20 yards.” That made me laugh, a .50 cal sighted in at 20 yards.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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