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George Zimmerman got a speeding ticket

And this is news. The media at work.

4 Responses to “George Zimmerman got a speeding ticket”

  1. Chris Says:

    A Lake Mary motorcycle cop giving a ticket… Gee, I only had that happen a half dozen or so times while in FL. They are ruthless.

  2. kdawg Says:

    We know next to nothing about what happened in Benghazi, and the four people that died there. However, the media has a need to turn an innocent man’s life upside down to give us daily reports on how Zimmerman has got two speeding tickets, is getting a divorce, and visited the Kel-Tec factory.

  3. nk Says:

    I guess as much as he tries Zimmerman can’t always … wait for it … keep under the radar.

  4. Tam Says:

    I guess as much as he tries Zimmerman can’t always … wait for it … keep under the radar.

    Golf clap!

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