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When these two work together, it’s serious

The NRA and the ACLU don’t like the fact the NSA might be maintaining a firearm database. And, you know, the snooping in general.

7 Responses to “When these two work together, it’s serious”

  1. Crotalus Says:

    ACLU teaming up with the NRA, now that’s something!

  2. Kalashnikat Says:

    Link does not go to any related article…you might want to fix it.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Doh. Fixed.

  4. chris Says:

    IIRC, the ACLU’s website states that its position on the 2A is that it is no right at all a collective right.

  5. Rivrdog Says:

    …and this isn’t the serious NSA story. My local blatt, the Oregonian, today carried a front-pager about how the NSA is devoting a LOT of time trying to break all the commonly-used internet encryption systems so they can actually USE all that metadata they claim to be only “storing”.

  6. Siergen Says:

    The NRA and ACLU working together? I’ve got a bad feeling about this…

  7. harleycowboy Says:

    ACLU and the NRA? What’s wrong with this picture?

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