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21 Really Annoying Facebook Friends We All Have

Nice. I was actually kicking around the idea of writing something like that. They pretty much nailed most of my list and added more. Though they did leave off:

Overly religious, preaching into your news feed friend

Hypochondriac friend

Social media, internet marketing friend. This person is the one who has like 67,000 friends but no one ever comments on their stuff. And they post useless things for you to like. Please like Bob’s Sugar Glider Barn. Why the hell would anyone like that?

13 Responses to “21 Really Annoying Facebook Friends We All Have”

  1. jdrush Says:

    Damn, I’m #19 and #21. Strangely, I post less gun stuff than some of my IRL coworkers.

  2. sdo1 Says:

    Trying to figure out why you worry about it…

  3. bluesun Says:

    I have none of them. Course, I don’t have a Facebook account besides the shadow one they’ve built for me from people who have my email, despite me repeatedly telling them not to.

  4. Ellen Says:

    I quit facebook, and erased my records there. (Or rather, did the things facebook said would erase my records.)

    People I thought were reasonable wanted to punish people for being Climate Deniers, Capitalist Pigs, Union Non-sympathizers, and God knows what else. I didn’t want to think of them that way, so I quit.

  5. pdb Says:

    I guess I’m some combo of #21 and #9, or a subvariant of #9 where I’m constantly bragging about my awesome and cute kids. But it’s not my fault, they really are awesome and cute!

  6. LWJ Says:

    It started off with promise, but a lot of them seemed like filler.

  7. tkdkerry Says:

    I didn’t see myself in any of them. I guess that means we need #22 I’m So Unique And Special None of You Understands Me friend.

  8. Glenn Says:

    Missed a few…

    Annoying post regurgitator. Similar to the gullible one, but shares requests for you to like or share something if you know someone who has died of cancer, love your mom, love your son/ daughter, or if they are on heaven right now.

    People who post crap on their newsfeed to see who pays attention to their newsfeeds. Hint. Nobody. Similar to the “post one word comment that best describes (fill in the blank)” garbage.

    Game spammers. Ugh. No, I do not want to play hello kitty island adventure with you.

  9. Austrian Anarchy Says:

    Glad I am none of them. My Facebook timeline is perfect and is the envy of everybody. Anybody who does not like it is a Marxist, or some other idiot.

  10. Robert Says:

    Forgot the “Real life person that doesn’t use facebook friend”

  11. Robert Says:

    Though I wouldn’t mind being friends with the girl in that “google banned this video!” ad you’ve got in your left sidebar. At least for an hour or three.

  12. Lyle Says:

    So what am I missing by never using facebook?

  13. NotClauswitz Says:

    I’m with Lyle, anybody also still use AOL? My mom does, but just for email.

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