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What’s with these Obama voters and violence?

First, the Navy yard shooter. Then the mass non-shooting. And now, we have this:

Police have arrested an 84-year-old man accused of pointing a gun at anti-President Barack Obama protestors.

4 Responses to “What’s with these Obama voters and violence?”

  1. white pride worldwide Says:

    Editor note: comment deleted. ‘tard limit exceeded.

  2. mikee Says:

    He kept the gun in his car “for the carjackers.”

    I’d ask him why he was helping the carjackers out by keeping their gun in his car.

  3. Lyle Says:

    The very foundation of leftism in general, of all kinds, is built out of the victim mentality– Your problems are a result of your being a victim, someone else is therefore a perpetrator, and you need the government (a strong man with no restraints on power) to step in and set everything “right”. It’s the basis of the term “Social Justice” (which is the opposite of justice). It’s what they mean by “Collective Salvation”– it’s a flaming angel of death with her flaming sword, taking revenge for Man’s pathetic existence.

    And so all leftists are angry, and violence is inevitable. If allowed to run its course it always results in mass destruction and mass death.

  4. Old Windways Says:

    I’ve heard of the anti-Christ, but never the “anti-President”. All of a sudden things make much more sense.

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