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feds can’t just GPS track your car without a warrant

3 Responses to “Good”

  1. divemedic Says:

    They don’t need to, they just monitor your phone.

  2. mikee Says:

    Where does this leave the proposals in Oregon (and elsewhere) to tax mileage based on a state-monitored GPS required in your car?

    I’d say it kills it, but it will take a SC case to do so.

    Even TX just switched to less decorative black & white license plates a while back, both to save money on plates and make it easier for the automatic plate readers on the police cars to identify your vehicle.

  3. MrSatyre Says:

    Okay, does anyone here seriously believe this? Because the government—Federal or State doesn’t really matter anymore—(y’know, the same one that says that the 5th Amendment is not guaranteed unless invoked by the accused at the time of arrest, or that the 2nd Amendment applies to only some of the people some of the time and elite groups, states, mayors, governors, etc. can decide willy-nilly who gets a civil right and who doesn’t, or who routinely violates our 4th Amendment rights with warrantless wiretaps, or who routinely assassinates American citizens abroad without due process of law, or who turns a blind eye to trampling of an author’s 1st Amendment rights, and so on and so on and so on?) is so very clearly completely trustworthy and always keeps their word? Except when it’s inconvenient.

    Does anyone here REALLY believe that a government with that sort of track record of lies and more lies wouldn’t break this law, too?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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