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It’s my birthday and the family is taking me for sushi. Talk amongst yourselves.
It’s my birthday and the family is taking me for sushi. Talk amongst yourselves.
If I like my plan, I can keep it. And if I like my doctor, I can keep him, he lied.
I mentioned it before but my wife was told she’d lose her health insurance at work. She works 3 jobs (by design, with flexible hours, for the time off for kids and such) and the one she has health insurance through decided that, because the rules for Obamacare cost them tons of money, they would no longer insure part time employees. She lost it effective 10/1. So, we went out and got our own insurance through another relationship we have. It’s complicated. Regardless, our new insurance isn’t as good. And has the added effect of me losing the primary care doctor I’ve used for years because he’s not in that particular network.
This is what happens when there is no direct financial relationship between the provider of services and the recipient of those services. Changing that relationship is how you fix health care. Instead, we’re letting the .gov manage the middlemen. Poorly.
Federal gun laws aren’t valid in NY:
A man was arrested Saturday at John F. Kennedy International Airport after checking a loaded rifle and three other illegal weapons, according to a Port Authority spokesperson.
Keenan Draughon of Clarksville, Tennessee, was arrested after he checked two handguns, two defaced rifles and two unloaded high-capacity magazines, according to Port Authority spokesperson Joseph Pentangelo.
And by “defaced”, they mean painted. This is stupid on a sandwich.
I’m guessing some lawyer could go after this on safe passage laws.
UK government raids 3-D gun factory. And calls printer parts gun parts.
Russia’s new assault rifle can fire 800 rounds per minute. Under water.
Does anyone make a double edged safety razor that takes two blades?
Sadie’s various exploits over the years brought me smiles and laughs and a lot of “oh, I’ve so been there”s. Good dog. And Godspeed. You’ll be missed by people who never met you.
Pulled muscle + meds for pulled muscle + maybe a bourbon or two = sleepy blogger.
Dr. Helen asks. No, it’s not. It’s just creating new avenues for sexual behavior. Also, I doubt the Japanese are a good focal point. This is an entire culture that is amusing itself extinct.
Ribbing aside, congrats, Jay!
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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