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They wished for it and it finally happened

Well, maybe.

The LAX shooter apparently is an anti-government type. They’ve intimated and even accused prior mass shooters of being or tea partiers. And it finally happened. I’m sure the press is ecstatic.

Also this:

“strong anti-government views” based on the literature that he was carrying with him.

Hmm. Wonder what that was. A copy of the constitution?

Via T&R.

Update: Just a note saying he wanted to kill TSA and pigs. Ok, then.

20 Responses to “They wished for it and it finally happened”

  1. treefroggy Says:

    Sounds like Bill Ayers. Or maybe Stokely Carmichael ?

  2. Patrick in Michigan Says:

    Thanks for linking in Mr. Uncle! 😀

  3. comatus Says:

    Transplanted New Jerseyite, Italian name, bad teeth, failed suicide-by-cop, “Kill The Pigs.” Who has the profiler chart this week? Come on, cough it up.

    NJ and CA: where’d he get that assault unpossible? Gun show, or mail order?

    He shut down LAX for the whole day, with one murder. That’s more than his 15 minute quota. We have to work on that.

  4. Bob Smith Says:

    I thought all these guys carried a copy of “Catcher in the Rye.”

  5. wizardpc Says:

    Twenty dollars say his anti government views are more “occupy” than tea party.

    If it’s even true.

  6. Gary Says:

    His anti-government literature could have been a screen print from damned near any site on my blogroll.

  7. Austrian Anarchy Says:

    So far all of the information perfectly fits a Black Panther’s operation from 1970.

  8. Huck Says:

    “Twenty dollars say his anti government views are more “occupy” than tea party.”

    I wouldn’t bet against you Wizard.

  9. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Meh, more like the views of Jared Loughner’s “Anti-Government Views” is more likely, which we could shoe-horn either way, but really he was just batshit crazy.

    Also I will say I hate me some TSA, but I’d prefer to see them in the general population at a federal prison than on a gurney.

  10. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Wonder how many of those wounded turn out to be shot by the Cops?

  11. nk Says:

    When the MFM teasers say “shooter’s motives a mystery” you can bet your bippy he was a leftie.

  12. Burnt Toast Says:

    I guess “Not enough re-education camps” could be shoe-horned into “strong anti-government views”.

  13. Matthew Carberry Says:

    Since the TSA screeners and process offer no positive benefit over private screeners and the pre-9/11 process, yet cost more and serve as a lightning rod for anti-government sentiment, the rational safety solution is to do away with them as an “attractive nuisance.”

    Nobody was gunning for private screeners in the 3 decades they were in place.

  14. MJM Says:

    Rather than feeding us some news munchkin’s take on the shooter’s political philosophy, why don’t the same reporters and sources just quote him, or link to his documents? I’ll judge for myself whether the shooter might be used to smear us.

  15. Tam Says:

    When you’ve got hundreds, if not thousands, of websites beating the civil war drum, talking about traitors in government and alea iacta est and resisting the NWO… is it really such a difficult thing to believe that sooner or later a looney tune isn’t going to realize that it’s all just dudes LARPing on the internet and go, you know, do something about it?

    I mean, Jesus, Fran Poretto announces that This Is It! This Is War! The Government Has Crossed The Rubicon (And This Time I Mean It!) every other damn week for years now.

    What does it say about what a madhouse this has become that the first thing that happens when some dude shoots a bunch of people up is we want to know what it says on his voter’s registration card? That is… that is just ten kinds of fucked up right there.

  16. Jack Says:

    That’s among the media’s first questions.

    It’s right up there with them wanting to know what gun he used and how he got it.

    And really given that the drumbeat has been going steady since, at least, the Clinton days, and agitating to “do something” is bipartisan it’s amazing there isn’t as many of this as there is.

    For example, OWS isn’t to fond of the various LEO and quasi-LEO groups either.

    In short, someone of a mind for “direct action” is going to find plenty of LARPers to watch.

  17. Tam Says:


    That’s among the media’s first questions.

    Dude, look at the first half dozen comments here. “Nuh-uh! I bet he was on their team!” Hell, YOU’RE doing it. Like somehow he had a Gadsden flag tattoo would somehow reflect on you.

    I am absolutely willing to accept that there are some people who nominally share a few of my beliefs that are nucking futz. I’ve met them. Shit, they have websites. Why the need to whistle past this graveyard? Why the need to pretend that all the violent crazies belong to The Other Guy?

  18. Jack Says:

    Erm? Did I say that? I don’t recall that I’ve even commented on this shooting.

    And, uh yes, I do agree with you.

    I guess I was poorly stated but I was trying to point out that there’s enough for a crazy to come from any “team”. That someone who thinks the MAN is having the police go after them can find support on either side.

    I do think that there is a refelxive defensive posture that comes as a reaction to the Media’s constant calling of wolf (mixed in with the bog-standard “Our side would never do that” and “No True Scotsman”).

    The thing about the Boy Who Cried Wolf is that eventually there really was a wolf.

  19. Tam Says:


    My apologies.

    I do think that there is a refelxive defensive posture that comes as a reaction to the Media’s constant calling of wolf (mixed in with the bog-standard “Our side would never do that” and “No True Scotsman”).

    The thing about the Boy Who Cried Wolf is that eventually there really was a wolf.


  20. Bill Says:

    I will note that on my recent flight from Oregon to Texas that all the TSA folks were very polite.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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