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How to win friends

A couple days after a shooting at an airport, go and OC your rifle and handgun in the unsecure area of an airport.

6 Responses to “How to win friends”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    The OC Movement was once a legitimate part of the 2A movement. OC seems to have suffered a leadership vacuum, allowing the cause to be taken over by whackos.

  2. JTC Says:

    These nitwits have got to be on the payroll of the antis; if not they should be, I mean why do their work for them for free?

  3. Ken in NH Says:

    Having lived in AZ for a few years, I can tell you that open carry, even at the airport, is not that unusual. This was some ninny, probably a liberal, who though to capitalize on the news Friday.

    Now, I understand your point about not scaring the sheep, but they guy did get one good point out: he was carrying for the exact same reason the woman claims to have been scared of him.

  4. Montieth Says:

    But it’s outrage that someone other than an only one has a gun at the airport. Is that person winnable?

  5. mike Says:

    The Clown Militia strikes again!

  6. Mike R. Says:

    Just because you have the right to do something doesn’t mean you should do it. I carry concealed every day, and if I saw someone with a rifle and pistol OCing at the site of a shooting a few days prior, I’d be keeping a very close eye on him, because I’d have the strong impression he was a few cards short of a full deck. If that’s my impression, I can’t imagine he’s having a positive impact on the general public.

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