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20 or so people in GA town catch a robbery suspect. Now, the warning shot is questionable but it seems like the police have no problem with it:

Maj. Donald Helms said it’s just a story of good guys with guns, and people in a small town exercising their right to bear arms.

“You might not want to come down there and mess with the Rhine folks,” Helms said.

4 Responses to “Posse”

  1. bigcatdaddy11 Says:

    I’ve been to Rhine Ga, it’s a pretty cool little town, I happen to live about 45 min. east of there. Very quiet.

  2. Old NFO Says:

    You DON’T mess with country folk… Just sayin…

  3. Oldradartech Says:

    Grew up in Eastman, not too far from Rhine. Common knowledge that Rhine was a good place to be polite.

  4. Paul Says:

    Sounds like a good place to live.

    You back the cops up and they back you up.

    Yea, good place.

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