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Contempt of cop

Hey, how dare you know the law and stuff!

33 Responses to “Contempt of cop”

  1. CarlS Says:

    So . . . when cops act in a criminal manner, in violation of the law, they can NOT claim ignorance is an excuse. They also make themselves subject to the proper application of self-defense. No one is required to submit to an unlawful arrest or other application of force.

  2. Reganite Says:

    I’d be after his badge. And if I didn’t get it, I’d take his head.

  3. blounttruth Says:

    Quo Warranto

  4. nk Says:

    No, CarlS. You may resist an “unlawful” arrest in fewer circumstances than you are allowed to use deadly force — to prevent death or great bodily harm and, I guess, rape from the cops’ unlawful use of force. You may not call out Marshall Dillon on Main Street because you don’t think you’re as drunk as he thinks you are.

    And I’m not on the side of the redneck, here. It looks to me like he wanted to jump the line to pick up his kids; the school told him “Fine, sign this form saying you’re doing it outside school SOP”; he got a hair up his ass probably because he could not read the form; made a scene; and got himself arrested. I’ve got one deputy, there, looking out for five hundred kids, mine included, coming out from school; I don’t need some tattooed skinhead wasting his time and taking him away from his job.

  5. divemedic Says:

    @NK But how is letting a father pick his kids up from school compromising safety? Just whose kids are they? What does the law say?
    I love how you call the dad a redneck. That has become the word that elitist people from northern areas use as a pejorative to make fun of people from the south, insinuating that we are all a bunch of uneducated buffoons down here, who can’t do anything without some Yankee blowhard telling us how they do things “up north.”

  6. CHris Says:

    Jackpot. That guy just won a boatload of money from the County and School District. I also wouldn’t stop until that Officer lost his badge.

  7. Tim McDonald Says:

    If I lived in Cumberland County, I would run for sheriff. My only ad would be this video with the caption “Your sheriff supports this behavior by his staff”.

    Is the parent an asshole? Yes. Was the brownshirt totally out of line? Oh yeah. He needs to be fired, because he does not have the right temperament to be a cop. It scares me that he is running around armed close to children.

    With any luck the lawsuit will be moved to Putnam County and I will get to be on the jury.

  8. nk Says:

    Guys, I’ve got a sixth-grader. For the seventh year, now, if I want to take her out of the school outside the school’s regular schedule, I’ve got to sign something. They get their paper, I get my kid. I don’t do D.R.A.M.A. (it’s an acronym if you want to Google it). If that’s a Yankee blowhard thing …. But I have the image of an old-timey, Southern sheriff, laying a gun barrel alongside this guy’s head before cuffing him, from days not too long ago, for some reason.

    As for “redneck”, whatever. Who am I to tell you what to be offended about?

  9. Squid Says:

    “Guys, I’ve got a sixth-grader.”

    She’s obviously a very good teacher, judging by the quality of your argument.

  10. Weisshaupt Says:

    School was over. Their jurisdiction over the child is also over. If a Cop arrests someone there is also this little thing called Miranda. I know Leftist aren’t big on the rule of law, preferring a world in which the men in govt are free to do whatever they what to whomever they want. (providing those men are also Leftists of course) – Which is why its okay that Obama allowed guns to be run to Mexican drug lords, suspended the property rights of GM bondholders, failed to prosecute Black Panther Intimidation, used the IRS to target and persecute political opposition, ordered Census to fake job numbers before an election, allowed spying on all Americans ( which was bad when Bush did it but okay now, just ask them) and Allows Obama to change the healthcare law by fiat, because the separation of powers, the Constitution, the bill of rights, and the founding principle of limited government mean nothing to the left. If you support Obama- you support fascism. If you think everyone has a right to health care, food, housing or any other commodity, you believe the government has the right to enslave someone else to provide it. The people in the NAZI party were leftists. (National Socialists) and they love this sort of jackbooted behavior., The left is pure evil, and they always end up by trying to mass murder thier fellow citizens. Always. Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin. Always.

  11. rrr Says:

    nk, we get it. You’re an elitist. Everything about the south sucks to you. So don’t grace us with your presence. We aren’t worthy of it and don’t want to spoil your day from having to deal with your inferiors.

  12. teapartydoc Says:

    Get your kids out of public school NOW!

  13. onlyabill Says:

    @nk and others…

    The form the school wanted him to sign said that the child would be allowed to walk home with OR without him. He did not want that. He wanted his child to walk home WITH him only. Not be discharged from school alone. That was his complaint about the form. And what is the difference from walking up to get your child and driving up? Should NOT be any. Parent shows up, they get their child.

    Now if they had given him a form to sign for that specific in-person pick up, I would say they were being jerks but OK, sign it and be on your way but the form they gave him was not a one time deal. Listen to what he says. If those are the facts, he is in the right and the school and safety officer are just wrong.

  14. Unix-Jedi Says:

    And I’m not on the side of the redneck, here.

    Yeah, those dumbass rednecks, with their legal larning and laws and expectations of public servants doing their jobs, we ain’t gonna support that, now are we, nk?

    HELL NO.

    Here’s your beer back, by the way.

  15. Harry Says:

    Per the video, it seems nk was not paying attention. The form gave them permission to leave without supervision, which any parent in his right mind would resist.

    The policeman asked him, Are you the school superintendent? I would have replied, I am the boss of my children.

    Tim McDonald asks,Is the parent an asshole? Wrong answer. Anybody who gets tossed in jail for insisting upon his rights is not an asshole, he is an aggreived party.

    This video appears to me to be a textbook case of what to do in this sort of situation. Go quietly, but call your lawyer. And give your keys to your wife so she can get back into the house. And film it, film it, film it.

    Don’t forget to get your kids out of public school.

  16. Harry Says:

    I forgot my other point. What is with saying they have to drive up to get their kid? In effect, you have to buy a car to get your kid out of school. How stupid is that?

  17. Cloudbuster Says:

    The video explains that the form they were asking him to sign was a form saying it was all right for his kids to walk home unsupervised. That’s what he didn’t want to sign. He didn’t want them to walk home unsupervised, he wanted to walk home with them. He didn’t want to sign the form because he didn’t want the kids turned loose without him if on another day he couldn’t show up in time.

    This seems to be a perfectly reasonable middle ground between walking home unsupervised and waiting in an automobile pickup line when you didn’t want to pick them up with an automobile.

    Now, personally, I’d let my kids walk home unsupervised. I was doing it at their age. We over-protect kids these days. But he’s certainly within his rights as a parent to decide differently.

  18. Harry Says:

    Evidently the principal was present but off screen there, and both he and the deputy reacted idiotically to a perfectly reasonable request from the parent. Guess what. I work with people everyday, and there is always someone who wants to do things differently. I try to accomodate them. How difficult would it have been to handwrite out a permission slip and ask the parent to sign it. Then it could be included in the student’s file. Game over.

  19. onlyabill Says:

    @Harry, wait, no. You can not let common sense enter into this. If you do it once you have set a precedent for having to use common sense in the future. /snark

  20. Harry Says:

    Yes, I know. This kind of stuff gets me going because we are moving away from being a self reliant people to being a subservient people. I have the same argument with people about the home owners association. Too many busybodies want to get in each others’ business.

  21. Harry Says:

    I was over at the other thread and the amount of people who defend the school on this amazes me. The guy wanted his kids. Give them to him. End of story.

    A couple of the neighbors wrote in and agreed that the setup was dangerous. Cars waiting on the side of the highway. I think I would have done pretty much what this guy did.

  22. Freeman Says:

    Don’t forget that apparently, at least one of his kids are special needs (watch the end of the video).

    Letting some special needs kids have the right to walk home unescorted could be viewed as negligence. As a parent, signing that paper might even be considered child endangerment.

    I hope the parent bankrupts the school in the lawsuit, but odds are the deputy is in a union, so the worst he’ll get is a paid vacation.

  23. Californio Says:

    Another site quoted the sheriff as saying he did not need to the see the video as it only told one side of the story and he knew the interaction was appropriate.
    Yep “Ya see boy, based on my yeeears of pooolice experience – I don’t be needing to get all…uh..cooofused by what them smarties call..uh…”evidence” – an experienced poooliceman knows a guilty person just by looking at ’em. And until you do the JOB for many years – then none of you all can judge we in the thin blue line. Now you git along before I decide you broke one of them “laws” you seen so fond of quoting….”

  24. blank reg Says:

    This just shows the futility of having cops in schools; inevitably you’re going to get the worst ones. Can anybody imagine how badly a cop has to screw up in order to get assigned to school duty? For the most part it’s boring and there’s no chance for advancement. These are the cops who,for whatever reason, were unfit to be on the streets, yet they’re ok to work with a bunch of kids.

  25. John Says:

    Is this school insane?
    I live in loony left Canada – my kids are only allowed to LEAVE school in the care of my wife or I or the school bus driver.
    They certainly can’t just wander off down the road in the middle of town.
    My dad went to pick them up last year and the principal politely told him to sod off and come back with a letter signed by me or the missus and that she was sorry , but the kids were precious and she wasn’t letting them out of her sight unless he could prove who he was.
    My parents brought her a gift card to the spa to say thank you. This dad was far more polite than I would have been , I hope deputy Single Digit IQ loses his job.
    How does this congenital idiot think he is protecting children and their parents in this fashion.
    I am from redneck Canada , so I don’t generally judge other rednecks , buy honestly guys the Good Book says marrying your relatives is a BAD thing – the Deputy’s parents are really the ones at fault here.

  26. Dougger Says:

    Ultimately the reason people become school admins and policemen is to exercise power.
    Holding your kids is their source of power.
    They will not give it up, nor bypass an opportunity to use that power.
    A lawsuit is the only means to curb that power by making it costly to exercise.

  27. Leatherwing Says:

    Did anyone else expect the SRO to march Dad over to a Gremlin with a lightbar?×01-6.jpg

  28. CP Says:

    Sounds like Butch Burgess has given plenty of campaign material to any opposition next year. Obviously 15 years as Sheriff is too many.

  29. Thomas Eastmond Says:

    Note to Sheriff Butch: County attorneys *really hate it* when the sheriff basically comes out and says “Yes, my deputy was following this jurisdiction’s custom and practice, so the jurisdiction itself may be held liable along with the offending officer.”

  30. Brian Wohlgemuth Says:

    The greatest crime in all of this is that hold music. Who is thinking of the people of Cumberland County here?

  31. Kathrine Says:

    So NK, since you call people redneck, do you also use cracker, the N-word, spic etc since you claim you don’t know what insults people?

    I thought not. Elitist.

  32. Jeff Powell Says:

    Total bullshit. As a parent you should be able to take your kid whenever the hell you want.It is your child not the schools.

  33. MIchael Best Says:

    This guy needs to remember that in a lawsuit, your attorney thinks that a quick settlement and a large check from they tax payer is the best possible outcome.
    In that situation, any attorney who wanted this case would have to agree to my terms in writing or I find another lawyer. Otherwise you end up getting a settlement with an attached non disclosure agreement so you cant even talk about it. The SRO continues on his merry way, he couldn’t care less. There are an awful lot of hungry lawyers out there.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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