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Al Qaeda in Kentucky?


8 Responses to “Al Qaeda in Kentucky?”

  1. Rob Crawford Says:

    The guy who was arranging financing for the post-9/11 follow-up attacks (through credit card fraud and check kiting) was arrested in Peoria, IL. He was attending grad school at my alma mater. He had attended the same school as an undergrad while I was there.

    The jihadis are everywhere there’s a Muslim population. Go figure.

  2. The Sen. Says:

    First they came for the thoroughbreds but I was not a thouroughbred.

  3. Veeshir Says:

    Is there a limit or are they considered varmints?

  4. Austrian Anarchy Says:

    That’s what happens when you make friends with these people. Remember what our Leftie friends said? If we elect Obama they will no longer see us as a threat.

  5. Gerry Says:

    Living in BG, this was a joke. They were two petty crooks trying to hustle arms for money. One joker worked as an insurgent/terrorist for cash in Iraq.

    The Feds ran surveillance for months before they figured out these two bozos were clueless. Reality check, they don’t sell Stingers at Wal-Mart Ali!

    Feds gave Chief Hawkins a Jr. G-Man award and his head hasn’t unswelled yet.

    The only thing funnier was all the elected officials (and McConnell) scared shitless about AQ trying to break out their alleged buddies. Local folks were pretty much in the bring it on if you dare mode.

  6. Matt R. Says:

    On Sept 11, 2001, I awoke in a college dorm room to the sight that we all recall. That room happened to be in Peoria, IL. What Rob C. says is true. There are insane people everywhere.

    There was a difference between Peoria and Bowling Green though. There was much outrage and protesting when the jihadis were arrested in Peoria. That was until a little later when the FBI showed the shoe boxes full of cash from stolen ATM and credit cards that were on their way to X-istan.

    –Matt R.

  7. Dave Says:

    This is not news. As a police officer in Kentucky in October 2001, I personally participated in federal search warrants on a group of immigrant “workers” from various Middle Eastern nations. Several of these individuals were in fact connected with the Al Qaeda members who perpetrated the 9-11 attacks, and I personally saw evidence of the connection.

    They’ve been here for a long time, thanks to lax immigration policy and lax visa enforcement. You can explain it away or rationalize it if you like, but I saw it with my own eyes…so I do not have that option.

  8. A Critic Says:

    SOP for every war is to import important enemy agents afterwards. The War of Terror is special only because they were imported *during* the war (i.e. after Bin Laden attacked the USS Cole + declared war on America but before 9/11).

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