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Bringing gun freedom back to France

A book in the works to do that. Insert only dropped once joke.

6 Responses to “Bringing gun freedom back to France”

  1. Paul Says:

    Most people write the book first, then collect the money.

  2. Bob Barker Says:

    Believe it or not France has a vocal hunting lobby. There was a gun store around the corner from my hotel the last time I stayed in Paris.

  3. Calimero Says:

    Interesting that he decided to direct his efforts exclusively towards the US.

    It is indeed true that as in most Western Europe, the case for gun ownership is a tough sell although most regular folks are not hardcore anti-gun. As always, lots of BS from politicians and the media.

    @Bob, hunters are “quite” vocal but also very FUD-ish and/or short sighted. Most of them think that their guns are safe because “hey, we’re hunters, they’ll never dare take our guns” and remain oblivious to other kinds of guns (that is: handguns, ARs, AKs, … which you can’t own as a hunter). Some are downright hostile towards “terrorist rifles” (AKs, AR, …).

    Problem is, hunters were 2 million twenty years ago and just 1 million these days.

    We – gun owners in France (and most other Western countries) – behave like battered spouse, hoping that if you do everything right and behave nicely, you won’t get beat down. That “policy” has evidently continuously failed over the last 30+ years.

    And bringing up the core of firearm ownership (freedom, not shooting coke cans or hunting wild hogs) might get you some anxious looks because it’s non-PC.

    The Czech Republic and Swizterland still have a firm established gun culture but one might worry about the future nonetheless.

  4. DocMerlin Says:

    French law is also very much interpreted by the french legal academy. They have far more influence than even in our system, so this sort of thing is more influential than it would be in US circles.

  5. Sigivald Says:


    French military leadership has been abysmal since Bonaparte.

    The French soldier has almost uniformly been brave and effective (as possible given the leadership).

  6. Huck Says:

    “French military leadership has been abysmal since Bonaparte. The French soldier has almost uniformly been brave and effective (as possible given the leadership).”

    Yup. None braver.

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