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Did video games save the gun culture?

Caleb throws it out there. I disagree a little. Sure, the video game craze helped but the biggest thing that helped save the gun culture; got bad gun laws repealed; and provided the legal community with the truth about the second amendment that got up to the Supreme Court, was Al Gore’s invention of this here internets. Before that, most people thought that the AWB banned machine guns because the left and the press (but I repeat myself) lead them to believe that. People bought that phony creation science that the second amendment was about militias because the left and the press (but I repeat myself) told them that. The internet just kind of got all of us gun nuts together and we, en masse, swarmed the press, who now was putting the news on the internet. And people heard us.

4 Responses to “Did video games save the gun culture?”

  1. hank Says:

    I think the video games are a big help for the next generation. My 15 yo son recognizes a lot of guns we don’t own from various games, and when my friends offer to let him shoot, for instance, a FAL it’s way cooler because he feels like he “knows” the platform. If I can ask him to show me a particular feature — bonus.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Also, the InterWeb helped to spread the word on how the Gooberment has done a HORRIBLE Job on Protecting it’s Citizens against the Forces of Darkness.

    Which explains why, in spite of all the Gnashing and Whaling about School Massacres, on the Grass Root Level, we have the largest increase in Firearms Sales and Ammo Sales in the Republic’s History.

    Joe and Jane Citizen seems to be waking up.

  3. Patrick H Says:

    I think all of it helped save us. Video games got kids to recognize guns, and want them. CCW laws got people to see that guns aren’t bad, and maybe to get one for their own protection. The internet let us come together, to organize and stop misinformation.

  4. Patrick Says:

    I am pretty sure if it weren’t for video games and bad Hollywood movies that H&K wouldn’t have a commercial firearms market, at all.

    ///Ducks for cover///


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