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Why I prefer a Glock

From Ogre. Yeah, pretty much if someone asks me what gun to buy, I tell them to get a Glock.

5 Responses to “Why I prefer a Glock”

  1. Gregory Morris Says:

    I thought you weren’t supposed to use a wire brush on a Glock barrel. 🙂

  2. Fiftycal Says:

    I tell them to get a Rogak.

  3. Lyle Says:

    “You dirty, dirty little gun…”
    I don’t believe that gun in the video was dirty at all.

    Do they come with cocobolo grips? Do they make engraved, gold inlaid commemorative models? Did John Wayne ever carry one? Hmm? I didn’t think so. I carry one, mainly because it’s what they had in stock when I decided to buy an automatic back in the mid ’90s after there was a cock-up when I tried to buy a Colt. That, and I knew that the left hated “plastic guns” for reasons that never made sense to me.

    The Glock lock-up action is the Russian SKS action from the 1940s, in a kind of back-assward, upside-down way. Check it out.

  4. mikee Says:

    The Glock has the SKS as a distant relative?

    No wonder the damn Austrian things are so reliable.

  5. Laughingdog Says:

    I’ve been pretty comfortable saying “Just buy a Glock or an M&P”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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