Archive for December, 2013

December 12, 2013

Unintended consequences

CA legislation prohibits police from owning standard capacity magazines.

Rewrite the second amendment

Well, have at it. I’d end every amendment with “because fuck you, that’s why”

CNC: the original 3D printing

A CNC 1911

Creating criminals

You must make them, when their aren’t enough. Bear in mind that every single case of the feds stopping a domestic terrorist attack involves the feds actually providing the bomb.

Jump start a car with a couple of AK-47s

Or, really, any two pieces of insulated metal:

That’ll happen

Just mentioned how anti-gun people were desperate and went to Europe to ask their gun makers to support policies that negatively affect their sales. Yeah, I know, right? Well, Jersey is trying the same thing:

That’s why Jersey City will help start to transform the thinking about guns. Police departments are huge buyers of guns and ammunition but have not taken advantage of their power in the marketplace to demand change from gun manufacturers. This has been a missed opportunity that must be — and will be — reversed.

The Jersey City Department of Public Safety is issuing a bid specification to purchase new weaponry. It will also be what we believe is a first-of-its-kind policy statement for our expectations of what gun manufacturers owe the American people when it comes to their safety and the safety of their loved ones.

Jersey City will be asking all bidders the following six socially responsible questions:

– What do you do to combat illegal gun trafficking and illegal gun crime?
– Do you manufacturer and sell assault weapons for civilian use?
– Do you agree not to sell certain models of firearms for civilian use?
– Are you requiring your dealers to conduct background checks?
– Do you fund research related to gun violence and smart gun technology?
– Will you commit to prohibiting your brand name from being used in violent video games?

Police buy lots of guns. But that is minuscule compared to civilian sales.

Any gun company that answers those questions in the affirmative will probably lose more in PR, if not actual sales, for doing so.

Don’t take guns to DC err Maryland Suburbs

Even if you live in MD and plan on having them repaired after work.

Update: Wrong Georgetown. Title edited to reflect that. Via JTB, who apparently already wrote about this.

Gun Deals

From GunUp

NSA and Google

NSA uses google cookies to spy on us.

Poll Cat

The guys at reason with some poll news, good and bad:

Stricter Gun Control Laws Won’t Prevent Criminals From Getting Guns, Say 63% of Americans

Americans Think Better Mental Health Services, Better Parenting and Armed Guards are More Likely Than Gun Control to Stop a School Shooting

Poll: 60% of Americans Say Government Should Prohibit People from Printing 3D Guns

Poll: 59% of Americans Want TSA Agents to Carry Guns

Gun Porn

10/22 Takedown Tactical

Nighthawk 1911

Another new 1911

December 11, 2013

Nuclear Option for 41P

If it’s enacted, the internet to the rescue:

There are still many CLEOs in the U.S. who not only will sign, they are supporters of NFA ownership. Yes, they may be in the minority, but ….

A legal entity has no limit, under the law, to the number of “responsible persons” who must submit prints, pix and CLEO signoffs.

So if 41P becomes law:

Corporations (in states where they are free) or trusts could be set up, and a concerted internet effort could be made to recruit corp/trust members from among those who CAN get CLEO signoffs. I’m guessing that when the word gets around, a trust or corp might have 10,000, or more, “responsible persons.”

The corps or trusts then file Form 4’s to Atlanta for cheap suppressors, or file Form 1’s to W.Va. Each application runs 10,000+ pages (one for each “responsible person.”). And each trust or corp can file thousands of applications.

Packaged up and mailed in simultaneously, ATF/Atlanta and ATF/W.Va. would have to deal with the arrival of truckloads and truckloads of paperwork, all on the same day.

I believe they simply would not have the physical space to store these on-site, so they would have to find storage off-site. Which would make an incredible photo op for the local media: “Government office overwhelmed by tax forms; must rent outside storage space.”

Yes, it wouldn’t just slow down applications. Instead, everything would grind to a halt. That’s why it’s a nuclear option.

But completely shutting down ATF/Atlanta, and NFA Branch in W.Va., would certainly draw attention to a useless rule change, on a national basis.

Trouble is, that all those suppressors you’ve been waiting on for months would now take years.

Ed note: C&Ped the whole thing because posts on subguns disappear.

Million Dollar Idea

I want to start a heavy metal themed deli/bakery. I’ll call it Pantera Bread.

Well played


Heller 2: The Empire Strikes Back

Dick Heller is challenging DC’s gun laws again. This time, it’s registration. And DC’s rules that basically make owning a gun burdensome.

Cost in perspective

PDB makes several good points. It’s also why, except on the internet, I don’t criticize other people’s choice in guns. Someone always gets their feelers hurt.

The gun rights battle

Has shifted to the states with much the same results as it played out nationally.

Speaking of rights

You don’t have a “right” to anything that someone else must provide you.

3D printing

GE Aviation is using 3D printers to make parts. Cool.

To bring down the crime rate

Chicago is seizing guns. How’s that working? Also, this:

Carrying a loaded firearm is the gateway crime to committing a murder

Odd, that. I’ve carried a gun almost every day since the mid 1990s. I’ve yet to murder anyone.

They don’t want rights

They want privileges.

Layers of editorial oversight

The press and their gun experts

Peddling fear

Gun control advocates often lie that registration is harmless and only those peddling fear say it leads to confiscation. Why, then, does registration routinely lead to confiscation? The good thing about this is people are waking up.

And dire consequences!

Another illegal mayor

A mayor against guns pleads guilty to felony unlawful imprisonment and battery.


Primary Weapons Systems is doing their own animated show. Pretty funny.

A civil rights victory

Florida Carry won their lawsuit and students can keep guns on campus.

Quote of the day

Roberta puts on her wookiee suit:

I’ve made up my mind: I’ll own guns. Elected and appointed officials can dink with the laws all they like and all it’ll do is vary the degree of difficulty, awkwardness and risk.

Gun Porn

Quite possibly the best deal in fixed-magnification AR optics

Under pressure. Also, new gun gizmo.

Mauser M1915 Flieger-Karabiner

December 10, 2013

Death metal: a gestalt of suck

I’m a fan of metal and hard core. Except, I don’t like death metal. It’s a gestalt of suck, wherein the sum of it’s parts is actually greater than the whole. I guess that’s an anti-gestalt. And they do this in one of three ways:

Someone starts singing.

The individual parts may be impressive but all together, it sounds like noise.

Or they just make noise.

To illustrate, here’s the instrumental version of Between the Buried and Me’s tune Alaska:

Starts off really good. And then the main riff kicks in at about 40 seconds. And it gives me a headache. Then, here’s the version with vocals:

Which gives me a headache even faster.

That said, their cover album is pretty good.

Tactical facepalm

The NSA has nothing better to do than play World of Warcraft for hours in search of terrorists. In case my 90th level elf* has a box cutter or something. For fuck’s sake.

* I don’t play WoW, so I dunno if there are elves or 90 levels but I flashbacked to my pre-teen days of D&D.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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