Archive for December, 2013

December 10, 2013

Anti-gunner running for NRA board

Brandon Webb appears to be no friend to gun owners. More here.

A new anti-gun blog

Called Armed with Reason, which seems to be lacking both arms and reason. It seems that stealing someone else’s images on the internet then using over the top, misleading rhetoric and general snottiness has worked so well for pro-gun blogs that the anti-gun side is going to give it a whirl.

Via Sebastian who notes that Reasoned Discoursetm hasn’t broken out yet. Oh but it will.

Senate passes ban on imaginary guns

Yes, they renewed the UFA, which bans no known gun that actually exists. And heh:

Since Obama is out of the country tonight, the White House will use the autopen to sign the 10-year plastic gun ban extension so it doesn’t lapse. So he’s using a fake signature to ban a gun that doesn’t exist.

I guess all those voters and signatures were imaginary

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership blames the Colorado recall on NRA lobbying and not grassroots activism, also known as what really happened.


The antis have a lot of it.


Anti-gunners are going to Europe to lobby makers of guns there not to sell guns here. Or to at least restrict sales. Yeah, asking someone to not make a profit is going to work.

Gun Porn

The most elegant pistol ever

Odd weapons of insurgents

December 09, 2013

Jingle all the way

3 gun gear to play Jingle Bells

If sock monkey guns are outlawed, only outlaw sock monkeys will have guns

TSA takes sock monkeys’ toy pistol. I feel safe.


Girlfriend wants charges against Zimmerman dropped. Also, she says the police intimidated her:

Scheibe’s new affidavit taken Dec. 6 stated, “When I was being questioned by police I felt very intimidated…I believe that the police misinterpreted me and that I may have misspoken about certain facts in my statement to police.”

Scheibe wrote that Zimmerman “never pointed a gun at or toward my face in a threatening manner” and that “I want to be with George.”

College football musing

Alabama will still stomp a team that starts with the letter O, only in the wrong bowl game.

It’s a guilty pleasure of mine. I like it. Saturdays with friends, food and drink. Auburn is one of the luckiest teams on earth. They got lucky against Georgia and again against Alabama. Not on the last play. Lining up for a return was brilliant. They got lucky because Alabama’s kicker, who never misses, missed 9 field goal points. Ordinarily, I’d call any championship game for the SEC team. They’re just a better conference. Period. But with the luck factor in Auburn, I’m not so sure they can best FSU. Probably but I have my doubts.

Also, two years in the SEC conference and Mizzou played for the championship? Well-played.

In the last two weeks, the whole season changed. People were shaking their heads. Some were upset. But changes, luck and miracle plays are the reason people watch the game.

I hadn’t planned on going to SHOT

But since it overlaps with the AVN Awards, it’s tempting.

Cerberus Capital and their firearms holdings

They may have found an investor.

Why heavy, slow bullets hit higher than light, fast bullets


Or just get an AR

A non-reciprocating, left-side charging handle for AKs

Revoking authority

My kids have tried that with me. It didn’t work out for them.


Motor oil doesn’t work so well when it’s cold.

Gun rights in Ireland

Two men apply for semi-autos. Gets told no by the local authorities BECAUSE SCARY. A judge overruled the local authority.

Rand Paul for president?

He’s seriously thinking about running. Well, we all figured. His wife hopes he doesn’t.

In Cali

Waiting periods might be unconstitutional.

Armed guards in TN schools

Up quite a bit since Sandy Hook.

Load an AR mag in 9 seconds

Automatic AR-15 magazine loader.

Mine’s cuter.


So, the NY Daily News is glad that NY passed a law making guns illegal after people already owned them legally. And now the state is going after those people, who lawfully bought their property before the law.

They took our jobs is leaving NY due to its onerous gun laws.

Gun Porn

Simple homemade gift


A great trainer for new shooters

Innovate, adapt, overcome

Walking Dead blogging. Spoilers, yada yada.

A redneck bitching about a 50 yd shot? Yeah, right. Also, the kids stepped up. Using the two finger technique:


Popular among kids, even my own:

The fierce little girl reminds me of Junior. For serious.

December 08, 2013

Cheap whiskey is getting expensive

Sebastian wants to know why there’s this trend of unaged whiskey that is a bit spendy. Well, it started in Tennessee. A few years back, our legislature passed a law that made it legal to make moonshine for resale. After, Hank Williams, Jr. went out and bought the recipe for moonshine from Popcorn Sutton‘s widow and partnered with her. And Tennessee White Whiskey was born. It was and is very popular. And for about $30 for a mason jar sized container, it was spendy. It made for a great gift and I’ve given several away, especially to my yankee friends. Given it’s success, everyone else started making the same thing. After all, it’s cheap to make since you’re not wasting time and money aging it.

Hey, let’s test out this stab-proof vest

Stupidity ensues

Bringing gun freedom back to France

A book in the works to do that. Insert only dropped once joke.

Protecting and serving

If you make us get a warrant, we’ll shoot your dog.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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