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6 Things Gun Lovers and Haters Can Agree On

From Cracked. I like the jab at “assault weapons” hysteria.

4 Responses to “6 Things Gun Lovers and Haters Can Agree On”

  1. Hartley Says:

    Over 1800 comments – got some hits for ’em anyway. Dude likes to throw ignorant insults around, so he got a lot of folks riled.

  2. Robb Allen Says:

    Yeah, it was a bunch of horseshit too wrapped in humor.

    Normally Cracked is better than this, but you can’t expect them to get it right 100% of the time.

    Luckily, people who use Cracked as a source of information rather than entertainment aren’t the ones you gotta worry too much about.

  3. Crunkomatic Says:

    But, Robb, you just described Congress.

  4. McThag Says:

    He broke the “don’t be a dick” rule so it was hard to read past that point.

    He seemed so close to getting it right… Alas!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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