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Illegal Mayors

Looks like Mayors Against Guns has taken down it’s members list. They probably got tired of the embarrassment that every time some mayor got arrested, people would go see if they were a member. And they usually were.

3 Responses to “Illegal Mayors”

  1. jon Says:

    Probably easier to just take it down, than to keep editing every other week.

  2. rickn8or Says:

    Annd, as an added attraction, they can now claim their membership doubled since Sandy Hook.

  3. comatus Says:

    As a secret society, aren’t they now under some additional lobbying rules and taxes and stuff?

    And if my local mayor is running on the platform of being a MAIG member, said no one ever, how can he prove it? Is there a ring, or a handshake?

    Are you allowed to take pictures of who goes in to their secret convention? Look out for the armed guards.

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