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In CT, those registering their guns as required by law had a pretty low turnout. So, they’re proposing amnesty for them. I’m guessing a good portion of those that did not register did so on purpose and won’t even if granted amnesty.

7 Responses to “Amnesty”

  1. Rivrdog Says:

    Just a day down the pike in MD, there was a likely racially-motivated mall shooting. That a serious demotivator.

    Also: some LE wizard in CT has a compliance figure in mind. When it’s attained, THEN the arrests will begin.

  2. rickn8or Says:

    Stop and think. You already know you’ve got 50,000+ “assault rifle” owners that are pissed off at you. That means there are more of “them” than there are of “you.” Do you REALLY want to know where the rest of ’em are?

  3. Chas Says:

    A girl. With a hundred men behind her.

  4. tkdkerry Says:

    I was thinking, if you personally know anybody you saw in the pics standing in line, be careful. If they really believe registering was the right thing to do, they’ll probably have no problem at all reporting you if you don’t.

  5. comatus Says:

    Chas, top tenors, gleaming spearpoints, and who sliced that leek in here? I predict their prince will be the next King of England. How would you like to be a Roman legionary and hear that, echoing down the Rhondda?

    The only amnesty that should be discussed in this case is how many of the sponsors and administrators of this law should be allowed to escape over the border. And I’m not sure I want to discuss even that. Stonington!

  6. pawnshopguy Says:

    California had an amnesty extension in the late 90s or early 2000s. Then decided the amnesty extension was not legal and promptly confiscated all the late registered firearms and pressed charges for non-compliance. Old trick of the gun and freedom haters. Don’t fall for it.

  7. Lyle Says:

    “The only amnesty that should be discussed in this case is how many of the sponsors and administrators of this law should be allowed to escape over the border.”

    Yea. Verily.

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