Gun Porn: SHOT edition
Site went wonky. Seems good now.
update seems to be working now.
The wife started some hippie diet and it said she should drink some sort of carrot juice smoothie concoction. This concoction apparently tasted like warmed over donkey butt.
So, I have about 2 gallons of carrot juice I need to use.
Bless his heart, the good Senator seems to think that because TN is number two in meth lab busts that we must do something. For the childrentm. That something is requiring me to see my doctor if I come up with the sniffles so I can get a prescription for Sudafed.
Look, Sparky, I don’t care if every other house in Tennessee has a meth lab in it. I don’t. Leave me alone.
The “ghost guns” that can slip through metal detectors and be assembled at home without safeguards are spurring efforts in California and elsewhere to bring these weapons and their owners out of the shadows.
I guess you use ghost guns to hunt rainbow-farting unicorns. I mean, since we’re not basing any of this on reality. Continuing:
A state lawmaker proposed legislation Monday to make background checks and gun registrations requirements for anyone who builds plastic firearms on a 3-D printer at home.
Yes, because someone making a 3D printed gun for nefarious purposes will certainly register that and get a background check because the law says so.
Seems the microstamping law coupled with Cali’s roster of approved guns means Ruger will pull out of the California market.
From Cracked. I like the jab at “assault weapons” hysteria.
Gun shop owner arrested for carrying his AR-15 through a mall. A mall where the gun shop he owns is located. So, was he arrested for taking his wares to work? If he carries a rifle in Texas in a non-threatening manner, it’s legal.
That’s the number of guns used in a crime after Maryland gun dealers turned over guns purchased from them without background checks, as required by state law. Seems their system went down due to the surge in gun buying fueled by their recent gun control law. This 0.002% incident rate has the Baltimore Sun’s panties all bunched up.
I don’t think that mounting pepper spray to an AR-15 is a great idea:
Dick Metcalf is whining again. He doesn’t seem to grasp that saying stupid shit has consequences. Go away, dude. It’s over. As are you.
Well, one we’ve discussed before only now, he’s been convicted. One of Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Guns decided to lure another dude back to his place for sex. The guy was not keen on the idea and the mayor fired a gun and threatened to take him hostage.
A TN man challenging the ban on gun ownership to those convicted of misdemeanor assault. A federal judge tossed the charges and the government is trying to overrule that decision.
Crye Precision SIX12 Modular Revolver Shotgun. Can be added to an AR-15 without a tax stamp?
A subgun poster noted that he contacted his senator to ask about NFA wait times, which have increased dramatically since Obama became president. Targeting those bitter-clingers and all. Anyhoo, the Senator says that it was because of the sequester. This sounds like bullshit to me. If I ran a joint that could make $200 doing a NICS and stamping a piece of paper, I’d be loaded. Of course, in my experience, ATF cashes the check right away. The approval comes later.
But the ATF seems to have blown off the good senator. So, I think we should all probably contact our senators and congressmen and ask them to inquire of the ATF about this.
We should ban dumbbells*. For the children.
* I mean the actual kind you lift. Not a random progressive.
I pulled my money out of the stock market years ago and put it into my business. And lately I’ve been watching The Independents and, being on Fox Business, it runs ticker symbols at the bottom. I was pretty surprised at how much shares of stock were valued. They were shockingly high compared to prices back when I watched the market. So, this does rather explain that.
A look at public reactions toward a mass shooting. Of course, after just such a shooting, the press gets substantially every thing wrong and the real story unfolds later. And this:
I would add that if people were attuned to the causes of the overwhelming majority of gun deaths (guns and gangs, not mass shootings, with handguns, not rifles), the focus on gun control efforts would be very different. But ignorance redirects the focus to regulating law-abiding citizens with weapons seldom used in gun deaths.
Just fire a shotgun out the door. And negligently kill your sister.
Charges Unlikely in IRS Tea Party Targeting Scandal. Training issue. Nothing more to see here. Keep moving.
8 year-old puts real bullet in a toy gun. Then hits it with a hammer. The round exploded. Fortunately, minor injuries.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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